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Level Up Faster With A World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide For Cataclysm

In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Deathwing has emerged and wrought havoc across Azeroth. With this new expansion comes new quests in once-familiar zones, new Alliance allies in the Worgen now free from Gilneas, and new end-game questing areas and raids. If you’ve picked up Cataclysm, why bother wasting time with the same paths to 85 everyone else uses? A WoW Alliance leveling guide makes leveling quick and easy, leaving you more time to gear up, get gold and play with your friends!

If you’re starting Cataclysm from level one, whether as a new player or just on a new Alliance character, you’ll soon notice that the world of Azeroth has changed – dramatically. Vast swaths of land have been torn from Westfall, the entire coast of Auberdine is submerged, and the Greymane wall is down. An Alliance leveling guide can help you make sense of this strange new world, showing you the new routes to questing through both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. These guides will help you find quest givers and hubs, map out the most efficient ways to complete your quests, and mark points of interest (such as flight paths, profession and class trainers, and inns).

If you’re jumping into Cataclysm fresh from killing Arthas in Wrath of the Lich King, you’ll return from Northrend to find the old world vastly different. New areas of the world are open to explore and conquer, including the mysterious ancient kingdom of Uldum, the ravaged beauty of Hyjal, and the elemental plane of Deepholm. A leveling guide will help you hit 85 with ease, making special note of new game implements like phased questing areas and the ability to reforge armor.

These guides aren’t just good for questing. They can also help you master your professions, mapping the best farming routes for herbs and mining nodes and the most efficient way to max your skills with crafting. In Cataclysm, leveling guides will also be able to help you with the newest secondary position to hit Azeroth – Archaeology. A leveling guide will show you the most common areas that will show up to survey, helping you map your path to glory, weapons, and rare mounts and pets.

If you play World of Warcraft, you definitely want to pick up Cataclysm – and a guide! An alliance leveling guide will help you get your alliance character to 85 with the speed you want and the ease you deserve.

If you are looking for the best way to achieve level 85, make sure you check out the Zygor WoW Alliance leveling guide. You can find more information about this leveling guide and download a free demo here.