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This morning's Diablo 3 maintenance came with a surprise that none of us were expecting.The Diablo 3 2.0.6 patch was deployed on the servers, and along with various tweaks to skills and items comes a bit of a shocker, the removal of the legendary crafting materials. So why the change? A change that not every Diablo 3 player will be pleased about. Blizzard added the following in their update notes:

Legendary crafting recipes have received several changes:

PhilosophyLegendary crafted items are meant to be both a stepping stone into end game items and a good place to spend crafting materials at the end game. While we like the fantasy of having the unique crafting materials, obtaining them was either keeping too many people from being able to complete the recipes in a timely manner or encouraging game flipping and similar less than ideal patterns of play in order to acquire them.

As such, we are removing the requirement for unique items when crafting Legendaries.

Unique crafting materials are no longer required
Legendary crafting materials will no longer drop.Existing Legendary crafting materials will now be grey and have had their sell prices increased.Level 70 crafted sets and Legendary items with unique properties now require additional Death's BreathLevel 70 crafted Legendary items without unique properties have had their Death's Breath costs removed

Death's Breath is no longer required for most Artisan training costsThe Mystic no longer requires any Death's Breath to trainThe Blacksmith and the Jeweler now only require 1 each to learn the first rank of level 11

As you can see from our extensive list on these materials, there's quite a change. It does feel like Blizzard are over simplifying the crafting process and this change won't please players who enjoyed hunting the materials down. Is Diablo not supposed to be about item hunting? Crafting materials are really just another set of items and part of the item hunting and creation process so it seems strange to remove them. Perhaps Blizzard are not telling us the whole story and there is a plan in place for when the ladders arrive.
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