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How do other games affect death with cheap and fast WildStar gold from safewow

Compared to other games, WildStar Online offers players an honorable dying experience. Death in WildStar is an respectful experience, rather than an expression of losing life in battlefields. The holocrypt mocks players for their dying, and adding an experience with few simple tweaks. WildStar Gold can be delivered fast at safewow. WildStar Gold can arrive players within 15 minutes.

How do other games affect death in WildStar?

The idea of death in WildStar is learned from Wow, here means the original concept. However, as an obvious difference, WildStar is doing better on letting players know how or where other players die. There's no more discussion on whether it was a player or a prime creature in game. This hint can now be deduced in WildStar. Bones were left behind in wow, however, the holograves would definitely fit the WildStar theme a little better.

How do players experience death in WildStar?

Firstly, players get to design their own epitaph in their player screen. Now whenever a player dies, he or she leaves behind a holograve stone with some indication of how he or she died and to what reasons as well. It would give some indication about the situation of the death and whether or not it was a fair fight.

Impressive dying with special Epitaph.

The grave would might be added a grave UI with an engraved character portrait, the situation of the death followed by the Epitaph. For instance, some graves are engraved with ""Here lies GRYM (35), slain by a paltry ROWSDOWER." or "He lived as he died - embarrassed and alone." This leaves some room to get creativity. If it was another players, say a warrior that grave might read: "Here lies GRYM (35), cut down/shanked/gunned down/blown away/blasted by PLAYER (35)".

How long can the graves be kept?

The graves may stay there for 15 minutes or an hour or more. If one is not set on specifics, there's something cool about stumbling upon a place with dozens of holograves and looking through and seeing that this was actually the site of a really huge world PvP fight. Depending on how many stones belong to exiles or dommies, new players may even be able to conclude who won.

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