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My personal collection of so called free players

Okay... I'm tired to see the phase: "I'm a free player so..." and that's why decided to post this: My personal collection of so called free players are thinking/ acting. Let's continue this phase from the name of some "free players."
So, free players be like:
"I'm a free player, so..."
1) All the others must respect me endless for that.
2) I'm to greedy to recharge 5$ even if I damn want this item / vip / angel /mount / whatever. BUT! I will go to forum and complain, maybe stuff I want will become free because of me (damn important person)?!
3) I won't ever collect Shells for Beach treasure to win this with 120 shells collected. Cause DAMN HEAVY CASHERS Will buy those shells anyway more than I have.
3.1) I won't ever collect HoC cards to get 1200 and get Light Envoy / Hecate / Earthshakers, they are only for DAMN HEAVY CASHERS! And btw 1200 cards require damn much time to be collected.
3.2) I won't ever collect the Quiz vouchers, Cashers will buy 5000 of them if I will have 2000 and will pretend to win.
3.3) I won't ever collect Lucky wheel vouchers / Magic keys cause it's too long.
4) Won't ever play smart and collect resources like blessed stones (HoC cards, Shells, Magic Keys, Energy cards). THEY MUST BE SPENT HERE AND NOW! Hero upgrade? Spend, regain?! I will become damn weak if I will wait 2 weeks till next hero upgrade and other events.
5) Teaam tournament is only for cashers, I won't even try to ask strongest player of our server if I can join his team, he's damn HEAVY casher and won't take me anyway (It's because I'm free player, for sure! (not because I said he can "** my dog" cause is spending so much money on damn game) ).
6) I will complain about each event where is requirement: Recharge something. I won't recharge and I feel a MUST to say about that on forum in all the threads I can find.
7) I won't ever collect free diamonds from The Precious event to get VIP. Cause if I wil lget VIP = players will stop respect me, cause I'm free player and those don't have VIP ever!
8) I will sell all the Roses cause I won't ever get a VIP! See #7 why.
9) Everyone with BR more than 1mil are Cashers, the ones with 2mil = DAMN HEAVY CASHERS!
10) Tycoon is only for cashers, no way at all to get those 60k points. At no way!
11) Guys, guild feast open!
12) Gauntlet? Only cashers getting gold there, I will go to drink a beer better, anyway I won't get more than 5mil gold there.
13) Ow, THAT CASHER SAID SOMETHING IN WORLD CHAT!!! Need to say to him "Heey dude, you have no real life for sure! And If you would = you would be playing on stock buying microsoft or something like that..."
14) I could damn buy 100kg POTATOES and new shoes for what you spent to get that Light envoy!
15) I don't care if someone won't appear in (HoC, beach treasure, whatever event) top like 5 months if after he's getting 60k points. For sure wasn't playing and as soon as he came = donated 600$! SHAME! See #14. See #3.1 3.2 3.3
16) New angel requires 500 dias recharge?! See #2 #6...
17) I'm not the noob, CS is just IMBALANCED! They put me VS CASHERS ALWAYS!
18) it's excuse for all my deeds. And the main phase must be inserted in the beginning of all my posts on forum.
19) R2 and GTArcade MUST giive me free angels, mounts, costumes. (And I just won't see if that happens, cause if Astral Hunter (Angelina, Poseidon, Amazon huntress, Aoede, Alecta) is not getting directly to my inventory, it's not for free).
20) I won't buy Odin's garment for darics (and other stuff like lycorax shards). They MUST be given as a gift! Directly in my inventory!
21) I hate TylerWin for this post!