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Diablo Iii: Q & A From Game Director Josh Mosqueira

The director of Diablo 3, Josh Mosqueira on the living legacy of the game, and here is a Q&A activity nearing the third anniversary of the release on PC. As for the mistakes and internet feedback, Blizzard's Josh Mosqueira gave us some response. Please read on if you are interested! is the best site for you to buy D3 items at suitable prices, and we always keep a great customer service!

Q: Diablo III is a game that seems to be constantly evolving, how much has it changed from the original vision you guys had during development?

Josh Mosqueira: I think in a lot of ways the vision behind Diablo III has remained true. There were seven pillars that defined the Diablo III experience and a lot of the things that the team at the time thought were important - making sure it was accessible, really trying to capture the dark gothic tone, making sure the classes are overpowered - all that stuff remains at the heart of the DNA.

When we really started talking about Reaper of Souls, one of the things we say at Blizzard is we need to concentrate the coolness. So what we did is took those seven pillars and we crunched them down into what we feel are the three essential ones. Like if any Diablo game nails these three things it will be a Diablo.

Focusing on the fantasy, making sure that we don't lose sight of the fact that you're playing these epic heroes and you're fighting the forces of darkness. You also want to make sure there's an endgame for everyone, you can play ten hours or a thousand hours, and we have to make sure there's something for you to do. Which is where the idea of Adventure Mode really came from, it allows you to go anywhere and slay anything.

It was actually pretty cool to see how quickly - at all levels at Blizzard - everybody rallied around the idea, OK we need to make a bold statement and say "you know what? It was an experiment, it failed, let's move on and tell everybody we're serious about how to fix it."

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Q: With a game with an online presence, extra content drops, player feedback, how does it change the development and operation of the game for your team, in comparison with say ten years ago?

Josh Mosqueira: I think that's interesting because for us it's like second nature. Before World Of Warcraft there was a box product every couple of years and maybe a patch between and that was it, but World Of Warcraft started developing our thinking and methodology around always keeping the game alive, always keeping it evolving, so for us we see, when we launch a game, a lot of people see it as an endpoint, a celebration. For us it's really a starting point.

That's when a lot of players are playing it, we're playing it, we're getting feedback, we're responding to the feedback, we're adjusting for it. One of the things that I love about working at Blizzard and having somebody like Mike Morhaime making all those decisions is that he understands the value of player engagement. If you have a vibrant community that is playing your game there's value in that. You don't have to keep trying to drip feed things to them. Every time we release a patch for Diablo more players come back, some people go away and there's this ebb and flow and it feels like Diablo is a living game, that's because it very much is a living game. Right now we're trying to build that living legacy with all the patches for Reaper of Souls.

What do players react most strongly too? Content? Bug fixes? What hold the most value for them?
Josh Mosqueira: Depends what kind of player you are. Our really hardcore community? They obsesses about the little details like "that changed by 5.5 per cent, finally they fixed that." So that's why we tend to have very transparent communication, letting them know that we're making these changes.

But I think the vast majority of players, I think when they see there's new content, like for example when we added some new zones to Adventure Mode, we have a whole slew of new treasure goblins we're adding to the game...

Q: Do you see the game continuing to evolve? Is there still a large team working on it?

Josh Mosqueira: We have pretty much the team that wrapped up Reaper Of Souls. We're at the point where I think we've gotten most of what we wanted into Reaper Of Souls and now we're really just entering this... we're trying to build a legacy now. I think we're seeing as a team that this is our chance, this is our love letter to Diablo.

We play the game non-stop, we're super passionate about it, and now we get to start adding all the things that we really get geeked out about, that our players also get excited about. We have such a strong, solid foundation. I think Adventure Mode, looking back, we didn't realize it but it's such a powerful engine for us to be able to add new content, vary the experience and it really unshackled our ability to really let the players sort of explore and have fun.

That's what the game director responded these questions. If you want to know more, please stay tuned here! We will keep monitoring the latest info and update here as long as there is something new! By the way, various D3 items are exclusively offered at this site!
