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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 2 – Schoneberg Street

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 2 – Schoneberg Street

Target: Dr. Gunther Kreidl

Infiltrate the Security Checkpoint
Head over to the left, behind the statue to get a good stalk on the soldier in front of Kurt. Move up behind him and follow the prompt to get a silent kill. Head forward to the building opposite you. To the left there is a pair of German soldiers blocking your way forward. Either slip up to them and take them out or gun them down from around a corner.

Before you go much farther there is a Gold Bar to be found. Head into the bombed out building to the left. Head straight through to the second doorway and turn right. Head to the next doorway t othe right and up the slope. You will spot it on the ground between the fireplace and the sink.

Head back out the street. Go forward and  enter the building on the right.

New Objective: Get Past the Street Patrols
Head inside the building. Immediately turn to the left and follow the hallway all the way to the left. In the bedroom you can find a Gold Bar on the dresser to the left of the bed.

Head back to the entry way and go up the stairs there in a crouch. At the top you have a quick reminder of how to change through your guns. Continue through the next doorway. In front of you is a soldier with his back to you. Move up quietly for another stealth kill. Pause a moment to survery the street that is coming up. You will notice an archway on the right-hand side of the street. Pull out your rifle and look into it. There is a Soldier just laying in wait there: Snipe him. Keep going forward to the right after that to reach the next checkpoint.

Head into the blasted out room and drop down from the ledge on the left. Once you land, turn to the right and head through the window there. Go to the end of the alleyway. On the right-hand side you will find another Gold Bar.

Now turn around and head back through the third of the open windows. Use the prompt to climb back inside and move forward, to the right. There you can find some extra ammo. Return to the main hallway and pull out your binoculars. Here, you learn how to tag enemies. This will let you see where they are, regardless of line of sight. There are approximately 6 members of the squad on ground level. Look above the tilted streetlight on the left to spot a German Sniper. Tag all the enemies you can then it is time to start picking them off.

Just before you start shooting, be sure Kurt is a ways back inside the bombed out house he is in. This will keep him safe and confuse the Germans a little more. Start with the most dangerous one, the Sniper. Consider for the drift and remember to aim higher than where you can to hit. This is a very long shot. Once that shot is fired though the squad on the ground begins to mobilize. Take them out quickly, one by one. Remember for moving targets to lead the shot by a few moments.

Once the squad is down, advance into the street. Likely there is one remaining German at the machine gun to the left. Hang close to the left-hand door to get cover while Kurt takes him out.

On the street, move ahead to the blasted house. Head inside and all the way to the back. In the far back, to the left, is a piece of pillar of on the ground. Go around it and look down to find another Gold Bar. After that, head back to the street and go all the way down to the end of it, to the rubble of a building where the squad was. Head to the right and climb the pile to get into the next building to the right.