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Tera Walkthrough: Prologue - Reach the Beach

The Expedition to the Island of Dawn is in trouble.

Use WASD to move (if playing with keyboard). Use your mouse to move around. Press ESC to bring up different options such as  Profile (P), Skills (K), Quest Log (L)Inventory (I), Map Menu, Activities Menu, Social Menu, Systems Menu.

See the medic ahead treading several injured soldiers. Approach him. Press F to interact with Medic.

Medic: How are things? Here's a list. dead, dead, dying, dead, knocked out,dead, dying. And that's just the last ten minutes. Not many swimmers reaching the shore in the last few minutes. I don't know whether that's good or bad. We're losing this one. I have to keep him alive, he's all I've got.

Leave the medic and go towards the tents. You should now see an onscreen prompt:

Accepted Quest
Reach the Beach
Ask Ahdum about the expedition

A tip will tell you to go to Priest Ahdun. You can also recognize him by the yellow question mark above his head. The radar also shows the gold question mark. This symbol signifies a quest objective.

This quest should also show up in your quest log. Press "L" to open it, and you should see it under the Zone Quests tab:

[Lvl20] Reach the Beach
The expedition members who survived the landing must regroup on the beach, and then find Commander Elleon
Ask Ahdun about the expedition.
Find: Ahdun

Expedition Healing Potion
Sell Value: 1 Silver 49 Copper
For level 20 or above
Cannot Trade, Cannot be stored in the bank, This item can't be stored in the guild bank.
Restores 160 HP every 1 sec for 12 secs
Cooldown: 1 Min

Expedition Mana Potion
Sell Value: 1 Silver, 40 Copper
For level 20 or above
Cannot Trade, Cannot be stored in the bank, This item can't be stored in the guild bank.
Restores 591 MP immediately
Cooldown: 1 Minute

Tera Online Prologue Ahdun

Interact with Ahdun. He tells you they just wanted to study the Island of Dawn. It's not every day an entire island appears out of nowhere.

Click on where it says "Reach the Beach" to advance the quest.

Ahdun: I am getting too old for this, Sorcerer (or your class). The reefs, the weather, and those hostiles up on the cliffs have put us in complete disarray. Not exactly the triumphant landing that Commander Elleon planned, eh? We've got to get ourselves organized and get off this beach!

Choose: "I'm ready for action!"

Ahdun: Good to hear. Our first priority is the wounded. You know the drill: Triage and then treatment. The medics are strewn across the beach like everything else, and I need status reports. Talk to the medics, deliver supplies to them, and then get back here immediately!

Say: "Will do!"

You receive: Expeditionary First Aid Kit x3

Expeditionary First Aid Kit
Sell Value: 50 copper
A first aid kit that contains bandages and first aid medicines. It comes with a handle for easy carrying.

Your task now is to check in with each of the medics treating the wounded on the beach. You should see three yellow question marks on the minimap marking their locations. Interact with each of them. One of them asks, what kind of idiot quartermaster puts the medics on one ship, but their supplies on another? He is happy to see you with the supplies, and wants you to tell Ahdun he needs more. Tell him you will deliver his report. Another medic asks you if you brought bandages, and tells you to tell Ahdun there's something with teeth out in the deep water. Tell him to keep up the good work. The third medic tells you that he is just adding the breath that the seas stole away, and to tell Ahdun that it's mostly drownings and near-drowning.

After interacting with all three medics, your task is to report back to Ahdun. He tells you that they need to get you ready to fight. You ask if we are under attack. Ahdun says that not at the moment, but the beach does not look safe. Commander Elleon went ahead with the scouts, but he thought he had an entire expedition behind him. We've got to establish contact with him and regroup. Ahdun is not sending you onward looking like a downed rat, though. The quartermaster, Popomin, can gear you up with whatever's washed ashore.

You now need to talk to Quartermaster Popomin, who's trying to organize the supplies that washed ashore. Find Popomin to the north, around the tents. He tells you that no Sorcerer (or whatever class you are playing) gear has washed ashore, unless the Centurions grabbed it, and to check with them.  Your objective now is to get better gear from the Centurion on the beach. Go a bit to the west and talk to Centurion. He gives you some gear, which will be different according to your class. For a Sorcerer, it will be an Expedition Disc, Expedition Robe, Expedition Sleeves, and Expedition Shoes. Open your inventory (I) and equip the items by right clicking on each of them. Talk to Centurion again. He tells you to report to the adjutant and tell her that only the wounded are left on the beach.

Talk to the Adjutant. She tells you that she got just a handful of troopers here, and asks you if the rest of them are still coming ashore. Tell her they are not. She tells you there are heavy casualties, and we aren't even off the beach. Never seen a storm so sudden. We're in complete disarray, and her staff is shell-shocked. Go prod them back to the land of the living and get her some more options pronto. She thinks the tide is coming in.

Talk to the adjutant's staff standing nearby. You have to talk to two of them. Then, tell the adjutant what you've learned. She says this is Akrak's decision, not hers, so you should report to him immediately. Report to Akrak. He is found also close by, with a yellow star on his head, signifying quest completion.  Talk to him.

Akrak tells you that you look ready for battle. He wants to put you to work. Specifically, he needs you to find Elleon, the Commander. Commander Elleon and a few scouts headed into the cave just as the storm was brewing. He probably has no idea how bad things are down here. Elleon is the best fighter Akrak has ever seen, so he is sure he is alive and well, but he needs to know what he's found. And Elleon needs to know that the expedition is scattered across the beach and the bottom of the sea.

Choose your reward to COMPLETE the quest, "Reach the Beach".