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Table Top Racing Guide

If you are the funs of Movie Fast and Furious, you definitely will like this mobile strategy game: Table top racing. In mobile game marketing, there are so many this kinds of game, but I still want to refer this game, it brings a lot of excited feelings when played this game. And here we also want to introduce some table top racing cheats for you.

Master your controls and camera options:
It is recommended to choose simple control over than tilt control. The main advantage of simple control is you can switch directions quickly than tilting your device.
There are three camera options: Normal, Close, Retro. Normal and Close are the best camera options because it gives you more control/handling in your driving. Choose Normal if you want more view, otherwise choose Close if you want better control/handling in your car but sacrificing more views. Retro can be use to memorize the entire track and track shortcuts.

Memorize the tracks
There are eight tracks to race in table top racing, some tracks have shortcuts, use them as your advantage.

Be at first position as far as possible
Being at the first position has many advantages. You are safe from bombs and if you have a far gap between the current second position, you also safe from EMP. Most importantly you can get power ups more easier.

For the first championship, either of the default cars can actually finish the championship without upgrades. So save your earned coins until you finish your first championship. Don't aim for the three stars for each tracks in the tournament, aim for three stars for the final tracks and until you finish the tournament. You can get three stars easily if you have a powerful car, so finish the tournament first. When you finish a tournament you can get new unlock car. This new car will help you finish the previous tracks with three stars. It is more easier if you upgrade them with your saved coins. Just stop your upgrade to your current car if you get all stars from the previous championship. Your upgraded car is enough to finish your current championship.

Table Top racing was fun for me early on. The upgrades were getting to me quickly, I was winning often enough and there was very little frustration.With the fourth cup, everyone has wheel upgrades now. The track quickly becomes crowded and the only way to reliably win is to take the first place as early as possible and then pick up every item on the path the AI usually takes along the track. If you do that, the odds are good they won't be able to overtake you. They'll be able to catch up. What all of this means is that the average race quickly becomes frustrating for me. As I am writing down all this date, it is also becoming apparent that it might not get much less frustrating one and if I buy and upgrade a stronger car. If maximum stats are any indicators, the more expensive cars are only marginally stronger. Basically, the game is slowly getting more frustrating for me, but I still get an itch sometimes. I might push through to at least finish top 3 on the last cup, but I won't be going much further than that. I will probably keep in installed on my Archos, though. It's a great game to show off to your less gamey friends and it can be fun to complete a race or two every now and then. I just dislike having too much grinding.Your mileage may vary, of course. I stopped having as much fun as I did early on with Table Top Racing game, but someone else might keep at it for longer than me. As I said, it takes about 30-34 hours to collect it all. If the game is fun for those 30-34 hours to someone else, that is great for them. I just don not think it will be for me. It was for about 10 or so hours, though, and it might for a few more. For a game that was free, that is a pretty awesome deal. If you are interested about this game, feel free to check on our website and make table top racing free download. We also provide other mobile strategy games and mobile video games.