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World of Warcraft Patch 6.2: What You Should Know About Newest Zone

Since World of Warcraft Patch PTR arrived, there are always some features and changes to those who play the game. Most notable features should be the new area and new zone called Tanan Jualnge. Today we are going to provide you some information about the newest zone and what you should expect for it. If you don't have enough WoW gold or WoW items to explore, you can choose some discount ones at our website!

- You've seen Tanaan Jungle before. When the Warlords of Draenor expansion first launched on Nov 13, 2014, Tanaan Jungle was actually the first glimpse players got of the new/old (time travel!) world of Draenor. But after a series of quick quests, players were whisked away to elsewhere on the planet, unable to return to that starting area.

"We knew this was coming pretty much from the start," Hazzikostas says. "Things have come full circle. After fighting and defeating the Iron Horde in all the other zones of Draenor, we have managed to lay siege and finally make some headway into Tanaan Jungle, which is their base of operations."

However, this isn't exactly the same Iron Horde as it was at the beginning of the expansion. The first big bad of the expansion, Grommash Hellscream, has been replaced by the warlock Guldan, and that has major implications on both the story and the look of this new area...

2. Things have changed from your first visit to Tanaan Jungle. Deep in Tanaan Jungle rests Hellfire Citadel. And within Hellfire Citadel, Guldan now controls the armies of the Iron Horde. But Guldan may not be the one pulling the strings.

"History and time have a way of repeating themselves," Hazzikostas says. "Demonic influence in the form of Guldan and the Burning Legion have brought this former Iron Horde under their sway."

This change in leadership is represented in the zone itself, which Hazzikostas says will bring to mind some elements from World of Warcraft's very first expansion, The Burning Crusade.

"There's rivers of demonic fel energy and demonic corruption eating away at this once-lush jungle," he says.

3. Tanaan Jungle will have something for every kind of player. While there's a major story arc progressing in the new zone, Blizzard wants it to appeal to everyone, from those obsessed with quests and lore to hardcore raiders.

"There's a lot of completionist content for people who want to explore and dig out every secret of the zone," Hazzikostas says. "In many ways, we built Tanaan Jungle building on our experiences and lessons learned from past outdoor zones like the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isles in Mists of Pandaria." For those who want to buy challenge mode gold wow, you have found the perfect site ,

The main story of Tanaan Jungle will be told through a series of "big setpiece quests that tell the story of bringing the confrontation to the gates of Hellfire Citadel." Within Hellfire Citadel itself will be the latest, cutting edge raid, full of the hardest encounters and best equipment in the game so far. And beyond that, Blizzard is looking to keep players busy in the zone for a long time to come.

"We're adding a couple of reputations for players to earn from multiple factions in the zone," Hazzikostas says. "You can gain those by defending certain areas that come under attack or going out and hunting rare creatures. You can unlock cosmetic upgrades, some player power items, some convenience items. There's a wide variety of things."

Yesterday, Blizzard has released the new zone and new area updated preview. If you are interested in them, head on over to our site to find details. What's more, you can purchase WoW gears to help you complete more missions and explore new areas easier!
