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WoW may continue to risk losing its PvP community

In order to retain its success dating back to vanilla and "TBC", Blizzard must strategize ways to garner its loyal hardcore gamers--both PvE and PvP.

I think that one way to do this would be to retract many of the changes that were introduced post-Cataclysm. I always found myself annoyed and amazed at the same time that pandas were running around Azeroth. Is this race really needed in the game? I understand that this allures many casual gamers to "WoW", but it defeats the purpose of attempting to bring back players from the vanilla and "TBC" expansions.

Another improvement that needs to be made is the balancing of the class systems. Granted, player whining about unfair classes has been going on for a while, but, to me, it looks like this problem has truly reached its height in "Warlords of Draenor". After I played hundreds of arena matches with my cousin after reaching the level 100 barrier, I found that almost every single team we played was composed of at least one Druid.

There is something to be said about an unbalanced class system when you encounter teams that have the same class in virtually every match. Needless to say, this needs to be altered; otherwise "WoW" may continue to risk losing its PvP community.

Lastly, I found the user interface to be confusing in the most recent expansion. Granted, players can always use different mods and add-ons to rid themselves of these cumbersome problems, but it should, at the very least, be addressed. The new additions to PvP and PvE, most notably with increased dungeon finder options and battlegrounds, have only served to make the game more annoying to navigate.

In the end, Blizzard must recognize that this is a new age. They must bring back their hardcore fan base, improve the user interface, return "WoW" to its vanilla roots by eliminating many of the new additions to the game and allow for a longer time to lapse between expansions.

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