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Joy of Javascript in Mobile Website Design and Application Development

Javascript (Node.js &Angular.js) for Mobile and Website Design

Although having no connections with Java but named Javascript is a language developed by the renowned Marc Andreesen of Netscape the pioneer in browsers once.

It is a scripting language and JavaScript, is used in almost all web pages worldwide and increasingly in fast evented server applications. JavaScript is a dynamic scripting language supporting prototype based object construction. JavaScript is very popular as it being interpreted, lightweight, and changing to a more object-oriented language with excellent functionality. And surprisingly it is the 'Write once run anywhere' language ostensibly a title once given to Java, which did not fulfill that potential.

Why should businesses consider JavaScript for mobile web development?

JavaScript can be used to provide a rich front-end, irrespective of technology you use on the server or the mobile. With JavaScript the client side or the user's processor can be made use of, relieving the strain on the web server. The processing is done immediately, and speedily as JavaScript code on user's computer is interpreted by the runtime and used.Javascript interpreters like Google's Blink and modern Webkit, Apple's Nitro and Microsoft Edge are becoming very very sophisticated.

Also the good part is that among all the scripting languages JavaScript is easy, adaptable, and a useful. It is very easy to create visual-effects on screen, calculating data and performing processing on web pages by using JavaScript with the assistance of the myriad micro libraries, led by John Resig's jQuery

Using industry best practices and proven methodologies web programming companies offer full range of JavaScript development services developing robust mobile web applications for demanding customers using, Backbone.js, KendoUI, Angular, ExtJS, Knockout, Sencha Touch, Bootstrap and ActiveJS and Node.js
Node.js the Fast Server side javascript

To build scalable network applications Node.js is the best platform, as it is built on JavaScript. As Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model it is lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.


To create scalable SPA -single-page applications, Ember.js is an open-source client-side JavaScript web application framework based on the model-view-controller (MVC) software architectural pattern. Easily the best choice for any web programming company.


AngularJS is an open-source javascript web application framework maintained by Google. So it has a community of individual developers and corporations to come with a lending hand to mitigate any challenge encountered in developing single-page applications.


Backbone is considered by web developers as a fast lightweight library best for single-page mobile and web applications, and for keeping various parts of the applications (e.g. multiple clients and the server) synchronized.

Choose a web programming company for your JavaScript Web Application Development Project ?

There are an ever-increasing number of libraries and frameworks used to build complex web applications. JavaScript experts in the community are always eager to help with every aspect of a fine performing website or mobile software. An outsourcing model always serves customers with affordable prices, high quality, and sound quality assurance. Further, long web development experience can help you with social media marketing and Internet Digital marketing, which is the key to success of your business.

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