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Casual Games and Their Role in Gaming:

When you usually talked about video games back in the nineties, one would instantly think about
single player games that would devour hours of play and require a lot of time to get into.

Nowadays, however, with the rise of the casual games genre, when you talk about games people don't jump to these conclusions, and consider the many casual games out there that allow you to spend hours on end - but only if you wish.

Bite-size Games for Those With No Time:

For those with no time, casual games are a great escapade from the bustling routine of every day life.

Take Candy Crush Saga for example, the pinnacle of casual gaming, enjoyed by millions but played half an hour at a time.

Of course you can play it for hours thanks to friend requests or in-game purchases, but you can also just dive into bite-size chunks of leisure from time to time.

The Flash Game Industry:

Flash games are another type of casual game that was created only to see massive success.

There are countless portals that offer flash games and the ability to play them with no installation and not even a sign-up being required, which is great.

One of these examples is Kongregate, a portal that generates a lot of money simply by displaying ads in these games and selling credits (kreds) for in-game items and perks.

Apps and Micro-Transactions:

Applications are also one of the main pillars of casual gaming, and with these applications came what some consider the bane of the genre - micro-transactions.

There are often items in these casual games you can buy using in-game currency, which is often acquired by purchasing it with real-life money, but most of these items end up giving you an advantage in time, allowing you to build something faster or level up faster without the grind - and we think it is pertinent as most casual games have their success because their players have no time to dive deeper in the gaming pool.

Tetris as the Father:

In a sense, if we think about it, Tetris was the first casual game, as you could spend little time in it and still be able to play it for hours on hand - it had a lot of handheld editions and is still casually played a lot.

Tetris was also the most sold game of all time, so that should alert you to the importance of casual gaming.