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Master The Settlers of Catan

One of the wonderful elements of Settlers of Catan and its dynamic setup is that each game is different. Every session is a different puzzle to solve to determine the ultimate method to take advantage of the resources of Catan.

These are some basic strategies to help you to determine the most efficient way to settle Catan.The first and foremost strategy principle is: Resource production is everything, and (different than what your initial perception of Catan might be) resource diversity is secondary, possibly even trivial.

When selecting your starting location or which in what way to expand, your first priority is to select a location which will produce the most resources. Advice to newcomers should be how to place their initial settlements, and to look for the intersection that has the most dots. It works for newbies, and the strategy for more sophisticated players isn’t that much different.

A lot of players think that having access to all five resources is what they should do. But if you have suboptimal resource probabilities, it’s not going to help. What you really need to focus on is having number variety, not resource variety. By number variety, what I mean is having production on the widest variety of possible die rolls. Of course, focus on the highest probability numbers first.

In my starting placement, the dream scenario is to have production on a 6, 8, 9, and 5. It really doesn’t matter what the resources are. It’s rare to be able to find placement that provides that, so I usually settle for 3 out of 4 of the previously mentioned highest producing numbers. Having a variety of the top numbers almost guarantees consistent resource production, regardless if the dice trend goes one way or the other. It shouldn’t concern you if all of those hexes are sheep, I’d rather have quantity over quality. The surplus resources can always be traded and converted into what you want somehow. There’s no such thing as a valueless resource.

The secondary priority after number variety is to optimize your production through ports. I look for positions with two high producing hexes of the same resource near its matching port. Don’t begin on the port or else the lack of resource production early in the game will cripple you. Instead, make it a priority to build to the port later.Having a port helps make you independent. Being independent is far better than having to trade to acquire what you require. Other players will only trade if the deal helps them in some way, making trades win-win. I’d much rather have me win instead of being in a win-win, so I look to the ports to help become self-sufficient. After you have obtained diversity in production numbers, it’s time to take a look at what resources you might have in your possession. There are two main strategies that flow depending on what resources you are strong in:

Settlements and roads: If you’re strong in wood and brick, this will make settlement production easy and road production natural. Being the owner of the longest road will be a big part of your winning strategy.

Cities and development cards: If you’re stronger in ore and grain, this is the way to go. All things being equal, if your choice is between focusing on a new settlement or upgrading a city, then upgrade into a city. Generally, spots where you already have a settlement are superior to spots with no settlements; else you would have not placed your settlements there. It is better to double up on good production than to expand into mediocre production. Ultimately, be willing to adapt and go where the resources lead you. Set a goal in each turn to build something. Each turn try and get something on the board. Even if it is only a road, it’s at least something. It’s better to get a good thing on the board now than the best thing on the board on a later turn.

When trading, whether you are trying to get a city or a settlement, do whatever it takes to get what you want during your turn, even if it is an unfavorable trade for you. It is more beneficial to have an expensive settlement now than a cheap settlement later. If you miss the chance to build on a ten, then nothing but tens will be rolled and you’ll have missed your opportunity.

It is my wish that these tips are helpful to you. I wish that all your Catan settling be prosperous. And remember to game with honor!

I’m the co-webmistress of The Settlers of Catan website.