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A Few Great Tips for Making World of Warcraft Gold

It feels like I’ve been playing wow for years. Oh wait, I have been playing for years. While it’s true that I’m a notorious altaholic who has 7 level 85 toons on both factions, one thing has always been true. I absolutely love making gold. One of the best sources I use to make fat gold everyday is the secret gold guide. So here’s a few tips about how I make gold.

The first thing that I don’t do is have a level 1 auction house alt. I use a level 85 dps class most of the time. I say most of the time, because like I said I have a butt load of characters. So I generally sign into each one every so often and play the auction house with them while I’m waiting on the daily looking for group to pick up, or a raid to start.

The first thing I do is grab the gold from sold items from the mailbox, and then anything that hadn’t sold. Then I relist those items if and only if there aren’t other people selling that same item cheaper. If that’s the case I’ll just toss it in the bank, or mail it off to a pvp toon. I pvp a lot more, so I generally have more auction house time with those characters too.

Then I check the high end epic items. A lot of times you’ll find people listing items for way below the market price. I can usually pick up 1 or 2 items per day that I can make at least 100 gold on. A few times a week, I can find some of those ridiculously 1,000 gold under priced items, but they don’t come along every day and you have to have the gold and the knowledge to know those items when you see them.

To search for these items, you don’t even need any addons or anything special. Just do a search, and set the filters to epic items, level 85, and sort them from lowest price to highest. If you aren’t sure exactly what to buy besides epic gear or where to grind for mats you should pick up the secret gold guide. There’s a reason why so many people consider it the best gold guide available. I’ve tried over 7 different gold guides, and it’s by far the best.