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Can You Be a Video Game Tester from Home?

Ask any 10 year old boy what he wants do for a living and he’ll tell you one of two things – firefighter or video game tester. The difference between the two being that as the boy gets older, he realizes how dangerous and physically demanding firefighting can be, but never really learns that video game testing is in fact a tough job without the dream hours he assumed (not that the two compare to each other at all, but you get the idea).

So, if you’re looking into being a video game tester and are wondering if you will in fact be able to work from home, the answer may be a little disappointing. For the most part, video game testers are in-house testers. They work on consoles and PCs that are held at the developer headquarters and are given specific directions in the office that requires them to stick around.

The Exception to the Rule

However, there are some exceptions. In certain testing cycles and for certain consoles or styles of game, testing may be permitted from home. Specifically in the beta testing phase when the game can be tested on a standard machine, the tester may be permitted to work from home. In other situations, when illness or family require them to stay at home, special circumstances might allow it.

However, these are usually rare exceptions to the rule. Game testers are needed in the office because they are such a vital aspect of the testing process. They will be consulted often, are required to go through detailed test cases and must frequently produce bug reports that are analysed by lead testers and entered into the bug database. Some of that can be done at home, but not much.

Chances for Advancement

Another reason that being in the office is to your advantage is that you will be able to spend time working with and near producers, designers, and programmers who represent the upper tier of game designers and developers. These are the guys and gals who can help you get a better job in the industry. Showing them your prowess, attentiveness and expertise in testing will make it easier to apply for a higher position in the not too distant future.

For a lot of the little boys who grew up and still dream of testing video games for a living, the glamour and polish that surround the job never quite wear off. But, even though you’ll probably work a little harder than you though and you’ll generally have to work in the office quite a bit, the chance for advancement and the opportunity to prove yourself as a valuable member of the team is wide open. Game testing is the entry point to a huge range of possibilities in game design – if you’re willing to take it, I promise you’ll go a lot farther in this industry than you ever thought possible.

Learn here how to Get Paid To Test Games and a review here of the best Get paid to test games guide and how to reports