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Freebie Games For Chaps

Lust about games for chaps and what do you think of? Chase ‘em around, shoot ‘em up, take action. Think of sports for schoolgirls and what comes to mind? Style, cooking, pink. What’s up with that? Sure, girls can dress up, whip up a meal, and work that pink out (only real men can wear pink, but any girl can pull it off). But who says they can’t beat up the bad guys (or girls) and save the day? Not all girls want to just sit around drafting outfits, thinking of recipes and coming up with new ways to pinkify their lives. Maybe some of them do, and there’s nothing wrong with that necessarily. But don’t assume that all girls are like that. Girls tend to be associated with femininity for obvious reasons, but they don’t need to be stereotyped as such and games for girls don’t need to be either.

I mean, take the Super Mario series. Mario and Luigi have always had the opportunity to jump on enemies and beat them up to get through levels. Princess Peach in her first starring role as a video game protagonist gets to get in touch with her emotional vibes to eliminate baddies. Um, okay. Take note, girls. The next time you’re in trouble just channel your feelings into getting out of that pinch. Come on. The gender disparity here is obvious. And we’re seriously going backwards in terms of progress, remember Super Mario 2 where Peach (oops, Toadstool back then) could jump and pick up baddies just as well as her male counterparts?

Yeah, there will always be a market for games for girls, but there needs to be more of an equal playing ground. Take Super Smash Bros., where Peach can whack opponents with her parasol and kick some serious butt, albeit in girly fashion. We’re not looking to eliminate the girly. We just want wider representation here of what girls are capable of, and what they’re interested in. Yes, that girly girl exists, but she’s not the only girl gamer out there.

The point is, why do games have to be segregated by gender anyway? Games should just be taken as they are, for whomever to play them (abiding by the ESRB ratings of course). If a game involves shooting up aliens, guys and girls who want to shoot up aliens should play it. If a game involves baking cakes, girls and yes, guys who want to bake cake should play that as well. Games for girls or games for boys? No, games for everyone, anyone who wants to play them. Agreed? Good, now go get your game on.

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