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Traditional Board Games Are Becoming Popular Again

Board games were originally quite popular among adults in the 1970s and are experiencing a renewed interest in the past decade, especially those in their 20s and 30s. Board games are popular items at parties, especially when there are large groups of people present. And with all the interesting new board games available, there's no shortage of fun to be had.

The top-selling board game for adults is Cranium, which become popular as a result of sales in Starbucks. Cranium is a fun game that involves several different games skills in one board game. This intriguing game involves skills similar to those found charades, Pictionary, and spelling bees all combined into one. Cranium is played in teams and gives each player on the team an opportunity to participate in the game. Everyone will enjoy playing this game and it's sure to add life to a party.

Taboo is another game that works well for large groups of people. The premise of the games is that you need to get your team to guess a particular word without saying several key words that would make it easy to guess the word. This game is consistently a top seller in the game industry and is a wonderful icebreaker to get a party going. Its easy play makes it a favorite among friends.

Balderdash is a game that many people will remember from the 1980s but it is seeing renewed popularity in the past few years. Everyone is given an extremely obscure word that they must make up a definition for. One person must try to guess what the real definition is, which proves to be very difficult. This is a great game that let's everyone be creative and it's great fun listening to what everyone has come up with.

Twister is a totally retro game that people still love to play. You should be sure to know the people you're playing with quite well since you may end up in some compromising positions. Twister is great for a group of four friends.

When in a group of intellectuals, Trivial Pursuit is a mentally stimulating fun game to play. The game has developed over the years and the latest version of Trivial Pursuit traces its vintage to the 1990s. Depending on the age of the peer group, select the version and the younger may not appreciate the initial versions of the game.

Drinking games are a popular past time at parties. There are many different kinds you can play with just a deck of cards or pair of dice. However, game companies are coming out with drinking board games, which were very popular back in the 1960s and 1970s. The latest is a game called I Never. This is a great way to find out facts about your friends that you never would have known, as well as enjoy a few drinks. Be sure to have a designated driver or a place for your friends to crash as you can end up drinking quite a bit.

Games aren't just for kid's parties, adults enjoy board, card, and dice games as well. They are a great icebreaker if everyone doesn't know each other, or a fun activity to break up the evening. Check out your local games store for the games mentioned above or for a huge selection of games you may even recognize from when you were a kid.