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Tips For Beating New Super Mario Brothers

Before I begin, I do want to mention that there will be spoilers within this article. If you at all plan on getting New Super Mario Brothers in the future, you may want too refuse from continuing to read this article. If it's not a problem for you, then of course that's your decision. For those that do own the game and have beat the last boss but have yet to finish the game entirely, then these tips are just for you. With that being said, let's get on with these tips.

Now, before I get into the meat of this article, I just want to mention that New Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo DS is a really fun game. I know that there may be some gamers that have a tendency to compare this Mario game with other Mario games of the past, but really, that's beside the point. In my opinion, NSMB stands on its own and is well worth the price of admission. If you still don't have the software title, do yourselves a favor and go grab yourself one. Now, onto the tips for NSMB for the Nintendo DS.

In all, NSMB consists of eight different worlds that can be beaten. The thing is that even though there are eight worlds in total, only six of those 8 worlds must be completed. You can actually finish this software title without completing world 4 and 7. The question then becomes, how do you even get to those worlds?

In actuality, it's really not that difficult. The answer is you need to be tiny when facing off with the boss. I'm actually not talking about being small, but tiny. So in order to do this you have to utilize the small mushroom. So here's what you do: Once you reach world 2, make sure you grab yourself a small mushroom which makes you tiny. Now comes the more difficult part. When you reach the boss of that world, you have to make sure that you beat him while you are tiny, making sure you do not die in the process. Once you accomplish this, you will have successfully unlocked world 4 in the game.

Take that same process you just used for world 2, and do the same thing for world 5. Once done, you will then have successfully unlocked world 7. That's all there really is to it. Not sure where you were supposed to find those extra coins in NSMB? Well, now you have your answer. What's left to do now? Fully completing this great game. Good luck!