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Farmville Guide - How to Find The Best One

Farmville is one of the most popular Internet games in recent memory. One is hard-pressed to think of a game that has captivated U.S. and international audiences with the same fervor. Taking advantage of Facebook's popularity, Zynga's Farmville has tens of millions of players all around the world. Sometimes, when you're scrolling through your live feed to look at everybody's ribbons and events, it seems like everybody's playing it!

So maybe you decided to give it a try. If ten million people like it, it can't be that bad! After downloading the game, you find yourself on your little plot of land, in desperate need of some sort of Farmville guide to show you the ropes through the world. How do you find the best Farmville guide?

First off, you want a guide that balances specific strategies with general hints and tips. Keep in mind, you're playing this game to have fun. You want to know why you're doing what you're doing - hence the general hints and tips. But you also want to have some specific examples of what to do to make money and XP.

Second, you don't want a Farmville guide that just tells you what everybody knows. You want some secrets that are exclusive to the guide - secrets which, once you know them, you won't want to share. Unfortunately, this often means purchasing an e-book or spending money on a similar thing.

Finally, be careful of sites that rip you off! Don't use a "Farmville guide" that will deposit money instantly into your account, as those are usually scams. One such scam made national news because it involved taking advantage of teenagers on their parents' cell phone accounts - teenagers gave their phone numbers away to get Farmville gold, shady companies charged the cell phone, and parents got stuck with the bill.

There are many bad guides out there, and several good ones. Do your own searching and you will find the Farmville guide that fulfills everything above, and will guarantee your success.