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Fun and Fitness with Zumba Games

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lose weight by having fun? Zumba is an excellent way to shed weight whilst having fun. Zumba is an aerobic dance program based on Latin music and Salsa dance. It has spread around the globe to become one of the most exciting dance and fitness regimes ever created. People love the combination of beats and moves that means they no longer have to slug it out on the step up machine or cross trainer.

Whilst it's superb in the gym and dance center, Zumba dance has also become very popular at home in the form of Zumba DVDs. This is because many of us lead busy lives and often don't have the time to go to the local community center. Whilst exercise DVD's are fantastic, things have improved with the introduction of computer games that you can exercise and interact with to help you lose that tummy. This is unusual and something that you don't get with old fashioned keep fit DVDs because the game uses sensors to actually monitor how you are getting on, guide you and instruct you. Zumba games are now available on the most popular games consoles including the Nintendo Wii, Xbox and the pS3. This makes them accessible to nearly anyone.

Zumba video games are awesome if you are self-conscious about working out with other people, but still want the support and help of an instructor. The zumba games come with an on screen instructor that interacts with you, teaches you the moves, and helps you keep fit without the embarrassment that you might get starting your first class. Once you have mastered the moves with a computer game you can either progress further by yourself or consider starting a class. This will give you an advantage over all the other beginners.

The Zumba video games progress through lots of levels with lots of different backdrops. Beginning with basic levels and then progressing to trickier, more difficult levels. This makes the game great to play and helps you work your way up and get better at your own pace.

Like the classes and the Zumba Exercise DVDs, the computer games are great because of the fast and slow training that they involve. Zumba levels alternate between dancing to slow and quick rythems. This gives the entire body a fantastic workout and provides a flexible workout instead of a boring routine.

So if you are intending to keep fit in the house, and don't have the commitment for the gym, Zumba video games are worth a try!