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Dead Island

When the first trailer for dead island was released every gamer was going gaga over it. It was considered the very best video game to be on the market currently and everyone was scrambling to get the game. Not many games enjoyed this type of popularity and the developers of Dead Island were smiling all the way to the bank.

It wasn't long before the second trailer was released and this proved even more popular than the first. Maybe everybody loves dead people, and Dead Island wrote itself into the history books. Ask any person who played Dead Island and they'll tell the same story. The game is very addictive and the excitement of zombies walking around creating mayhem appeals to all ages. The eerie scenes and ghost like figures put you in the mood for something extraordinary. You will find the action is so intense, and the graphics are so life like, even though the characters may not be alive, are so realistic that its as if you are watching a suspense movie. The developers have thought of everything and the finished product is one of awe.

You play a character who survives this apocalypse and hide with other survivors in a church. The controls are easy and pretty simple. You can move around doing all sorts of actions just like a real human being. You can fight, shoot weapons, hide, dodge, run, etc. Pretty standard like most other games.

An interesting feature is a blood lust mode called fury. When you enter this mode you can kill zombies in large clusters. You have specific weapons like knives, daggers, hammers, clubs, etc to bludgeon the zombies to death. You must be quite proficient to use the weapons to their maximum effect, so make sure you know how to use them before you embark into fury mode. You collect cash and other items as you proceed through the game. When you kill a zombie you can take his possessions and any other items he was carrying.

Its best to play the game in multiplayer mode then you can have friends to aid you in your quest. There are many obstacles and missions to complete, so having companions will make it less lonely and more exciting than if you played single player mode. It's also nice to have someone to talk to, so I would suggest multiplayer mode.

The terrain can get quite tricky and you will need a map to guide you. Fortunately, there is a good map available to you throughout the game. You will need to consult often with the map in order to avoid getting lost or running into death traps. You have a health meter that declines as you walk and jump, fight, climb, crouch, etc. This is very useful as it reminds you that you're human and not superman. You have to thus conserve your energy and play the game with intelligence so you don't over exhaust yourself and die.

The narrative will guide you and keep you on the right track and if you stick to its guidance you will be OK. But you do have the ability to disregard its advice and proceed anywhere you want. This may leave your friends behind and you will find yourself isolated and more danger can be lurking around the corner with no aid from your friends. Remember, that team work is essential in staying alive, so do so at your own peril.

All in all the graphics are excellent, the music and sound track is wonderful and the action never seems to stop. You will never tire of killing zombies. Dead Island is definitely one of the best games to be released. No wonder everyone is talking about it.