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WOW Priest Leveling and Quest Guide

In case you are new to world of warcraft, a priest is a very highly valued addition to any group. While other classes have some healing abilities, the Priest is pretty much the king of all healers. Being a priest means that you will be staying clear of the fighting and focusing your efforts on keeping your group in top health to fight foes and defend you and other long range characters in your group.

If the idea of being a priest sounds a little boring to you, you have to understand that it is not just hanging out with a group and healing them all the time. Group play is what the priest is most adapted to. Once you get to level 25 or so you will find soloing to be much easier but as I said before the Priest is primarily a group player. If this turns you off from playing a priest don't let it, the priest is just as much fun as any other class and can be very strategic to play. One last thing before we move on, the priest if very valuable in PVP play which makes them highly targeted by the opposing team so be allert. Now you can see just how cool the priest is. Every group appreciates the talents of a priest so you will never be without group invites.

In the original World of Warcraft your priest race selection was limited to draenei,dwarf,human or night elf for Alliance and blood elf, troll or undead for Horde.

We can now play a priest with four additional races (gnomes,taurens,goblins and worgens) thanks to the Cataclysm expansion.

Lets get your wow priest leveling up through the early levels.

When just starting out you will have the Lesser Heal spell and the Smite range attack, a great combination especially when you earn your first buff, Power Word Fortitude. You should have Fortitude active as of now as it will be of help to all around you. Even though the priest is the premier healer in world of warcraft does not mean that they don't have to keep a close eye on their own health and especially their mana,your group is relying on you to keep them healed and if you die so may they. Obviously the priest is not a hand to hand kinda class so maintain your position towards the back of the group, you are most effective when your can stay focused on your range spells. Find cover as far away from the hand to hand combat as you can, a priest has little chance of doing well fighting hand to hand.

Once you reach level 4 you can use the debuff Shadow Word Pain, you will find this very helpful on your early levels. Keep this debuff on most of the time, but there will be times you will still want to use Fortitude. Restart Shadow Word Pain when you need to as it will wear off after a while, in the mean time keep using Smite for some mob control.

Leveling your priest to level 6 will allow you to use a nice shielding buff known as Power Word Shield, be sure to check it out. Being that the priest is a frail character you will want to keep this shield up all the time, consider this a important part of playing a Priest. Weather or not you are playing with a group or solo when arriving at level 6 be sure to see the trainer in your area as you will get a very rewarding quest.

Leveling to level 8 will let you use the HOT spell known as Renew and also Fade.Renew is a Heal Over Time or "HOT" spell which should be used when a fight is near, or after a battle. Fade is used to distract your enemies from you by controling your aggro.

At level 10 things really get fun for your WOW priest with the introduction of Mind Blast. Using Mind Blast will greatly increase your damage dealing without using up all your mana. You now have the Resurrection spell which will let you resurrect your fellow players. Once your WOW priest gets up to level 10 you will get a talent point which you can use on one of your talent tree's, so put some thought to what kind of WOW Priest you would like to become.

You will finally get a good defensive buff called Inner Fire when you reach level 12, use it to protect against enemy attacks.

Well, there you have it. This will get you off to a good start and by this time you should have a good feel on how to play a priest in WOW, think ahead a bit and you will do very well. For more advanced Priest information you should look into getting a detailed WOW guide.

Hope you liked my info, have a great day.