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Final Fantasy XIII-2

Who else is excited for Final Fantasy XIII-2? A lot of people said they didn’t enjoy Final Fantasy XIII. However it looks like there were enough people that liked it for them to make a second one! Myself included. I’ve heard several new things that are going to be put into Final Fantasy XIII-2 that weren’t in the first one that people were wishing it had. I also got a chance to play the demo of Final Fantasy XIII-2 at the San Diego Comic Con a couple weeks ago!

At the start of the Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo you get control of Noel and Sera. Noel being a new character I had never heard of before. It looks like he will be one of the main characters in this game, as well as Sera(Lightning’s Sister) being controllable now! She even has a cool moogle that travels around with her.

The demo was pretty similar to the game play in FF13. I did notice a few new things however. The first thing I noticed was sometimes during a fight while you are doing certain attacks you are asked to push a button and if you get the timing right the attack is executed, or executed more efficiently. Also you are able to get monsters on your party somehow. Not sure exactly how it works but I know I had them on my team, and they even have some special abilities you are able to use. When using the monsters abilities in particular is when I noticed you usually had to push quite a few buttons to execute it.

Another thing I noticed while playing the Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo was that the enemies don’t appear until you get nearby. Before a fight starts there is a large circle around you and you have 5 or so seconds to hit the oppenent before the battle starts. If you can hit them in the first second or so you are able to get the pre-emptive attack. This was a little different from in FF13 where you had to just sneak up on them from behind.

There are a lot of good Ps3 games coming soonthat I am excited about. I really enjoyed playing the demo of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and am looking forward to playing the actual game when it comes out next January. I’ve heard there will also be towns and other side quests in Final Fantasy XIII-2 that weren’t in FF13, which is something a lot of people really disliked about the game. This will make this Ps3 Rpgmuch less linear and should be more enjoyable for everyone.