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I Needed A World Of Warcraft Guide – My Early Game Experience

If your early World of Warcraft experience was as anything like mine, it was more or less running around mindlessly not really knowing where anything was or what to do. My adventures started off in Elwynn Forest just off the city of Stormwind. Blizzard started me right in front of my first quest NPC which was nice to say the least.

The first thing I did was stop and look around me. Coming from Everquest, I remember the scenery as being much more artistic and bright. I really liked the mix of bright colors back in early WoW. The greens and browns in the trees really stood out and the housing areas had a good mix of backdrop colors.

I believe the first few quests had me doing the usual MMO quest task of killing some small, weak, animal. The animal of choice in my starting area was wolves and diseased wolfs. The disease wolfs poisoned you a bit when they took a bite out of your leg. I can still remember pushing the limits, being bit by a couple diseased wolfs and then having to run away in terror as it about killed me. My brother who I play games with a ton was laughing historically as I was running from the wolves and missed my jump over the fence and died. I just put my head down because I looked like such a newbie, even though I had just came from one of the top 5 raiding guilds in the world in Everquest.

After he first few quests I found myself kind of just running around slaughtering stuff. I was never a big quest person and noticed that the mobs in WoW gave ok experience so I decided to just keep killing as my brother quested. You guessed it, after a few hours he was higher level than me as questing gave the most exp long term then simply killing mobs yielded. I remember thinking to myself; man I wish I had a guide or something like it to give me some direction.

As it was, I decided to venture off to the big city of Stormwind even though I hadn’t picked up a quest that told me to go there. I spent hour running towards Stormwind, dying, progressing a little further, and then dying again. It was no easy task at low level to cross the zone in search of my King. Eventually though I made it to the big city. Where was the King I wondered?

Well as I ran through the city for about an hour, I finally came across a player that showed me how to get to the King of Stormwind. Thank goodness because although it was fun running around on my own, it sure was nice to have someone guide me along the way. With that said, there are plenty of guide resources on the web that can help you move through the game more effectively then I did.