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World Of Warcraft Paladin Guide - Wows Most Versatile Class!

The Paladin class are a nice class to plat in World of Warcraft although they can take a little getting used to! They're a very versatile class with the capability to assume the role of a damage dealer, tank or even healer.

The Paladin is considered a cross between the Warrior and the Priest and it's understandable why as the Priest class are considered the best of the healing classes and the Warriors being a great tanking and damage dealing class. The Paladin class meet in the middle with good DPS capabilities and healing capabilities.

The Paladin is a little restricted on the races that can be chosen with just Draenei, Dwarf and Human available from the Alliance races and Blood Elf and Tauren available from the Horde races.

When it comes to Armor the Paladin can fully equip with plate armor which is the strongest armor available in the game and also possess the ability to equip a shield. On top of this a Paladin can equip two-handed weapons such two-handed axes, two-handed maces and two-handed swords.

So far one would think that the Paladin was a battle hardened damage dealer whos should be placed on the front line in battle but the Paladins have some great healing capabilities too which is where they lend there-selves to the Priest class.

The versatility of the Paladin makes them very welcome in group scenarios such as dungeons and raids as they can deal out some damage and offer healing benefits for all the party members. These abilities are referred to as auras and the Paladin can shower their allies with these auras to help protect them in battle and provide other useful boosts.

The type of talent build will determine which type of role you take on in the game. The Paladin class are very capable Melee fighters as well as magic damage dealers for DPS and tank builds. When first starting out with the Paladin though it's advisable to equip the Paladin with items and abilities that will raise defense and stamina.

The Paladin class do have a flaw and that's that they can't deal out damage from range meaning they rely on close quarter attacks, therefore it's a good idea to get some nice defensive gear and equip the Paladin for battle. As you progress through the game you'll gain new abilities such as brandishing two weapons which will certainly help for taking out the mobs.

To conclude this Paladin guide I would say the Paladins are a great all round class that can adapt to any class role and is a welcome guest among groups for their abilities to heal and provide useful buffs for the groups members. As you progress through the game group instances become more useful and that's where the Paladin really shines through.