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Women Power: An Analysis Of The Online Betting Scene

A surprising trend slowly crops out from the online betting scene. Much to the astonishment of many, certain studies revealed that more women are betting online compared to men. For some, this may sound too unlikely, considering that betting is a male-dominated arena.

Does this shift have something to do with the changing perspectives on online betting? Is this something influenced by the introduction of online betting platforms? With the statistical differences, can one argue that betting behaviors between men and women have already changed? How do these two genders view or understand online betting?

Gender differences in online betting

Sports versus a social activity

Generally speaking, men perceive betting as a form of sports. This makes them very competitive—wanting to emerge as the victorious one against their rivals. This would also explain why men tend to spend more time playing.

Meanwhile, in as far as women are concerned, gambling is rather seen as a form of socialization. This is their way of interacting with their closest friends and even relatives, for that matter. Yet, with technology at hand, but of course, the level of interaction extends to online players who likewise share similar interests and preferences. Under this context, it can be said that betting is just a mere past time of women—that this act is nothing but pure diversion.

The risk taker and the play it safe

Men are more likely to take risks than women. As mentioned, they see betting as a form of sport. In an effort to win and prove themselves as the superior one, men are more open to taking risks. This is in stark contrast to women. Since this is pure diversion on their part, they would rather play it safe. Winning is more of a bonus, rather than an ultimate goal.

The age

Men are exposed to betting at a much earlier age compared to women. Evidently, this aspect are heavily influenced by societal stereotypes attributed to both genders. As betting is more accepted in men than in women, the former’s exposure is perceived as a need—something that boosts one’s ego and machismo.

In addition, it cannot be denied that their early exposure is also prompted by the patriarchal dominance when it comes to developing and programming games.

The shift

Despite of the overt supremacy of men over the betting scene—as mentioned, women have already made their presence felt. Their presence in online betting is expected, but their increasing number indeed, breeds, bewilderment. There are several reasons that explain the sudden shift. These are the following:

Accessibility – Online casinos and sports betting sites are highly accessible. Substantial information about these sites can be also easily acquired.

Anonymity – More than access per se, it is the anonymity that makes online betting appeal to women, They can easily take another persona or another gender.

No gender bias – In the online world, since anybody can take whatever gender that they want, many women feel that they will be neither discriminated nor scorned when they bet online.

Evidently, the shift that enabled women to dominate the betting scene was prompted by the rise of a sustainable online platform and technological advancements. While the behaviors may not really depart from what have been discussed above, still, it cannot be denied that women are slowly, but surely, making their presence felt.