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How To Make Your Computer Faster While Playing Games

Doesn't it just drive you crazy when your playing a computer game and you have to wait for scenes to load or its just plain too slow. There are some simple easy ways that you can fix a few of those problems .

You need to see how much ram you computer has and how much more you can install on it. Because ram is probably one of the most important things that will speed up your gaming. Also you may need to get a better graphics card as well.

You should make sure that you do not have any other programs running while your playing your game.

When you start your counter up don't have a bunch of other programs starting up at the same time .J it's have the ones that you really need and start the other ones up as you need them because the less you have running at the same time the better.

Run a disc cleanup so you can get rid of all those unnecessary temporary Internet files and it will also empty your recycle bin because you don't really delete anything until you empty your garbage.

Consolidate all that stuff on your desktop, organize it into folders and put most of it somewhere else like your documents and while your at it organize all your pictures and music and delete all of your duplicates or put them on a disc so you won't ever loose them.

If you really want to get rid of any spyware or infections on your computer you might want to spend a few bucks on a program that will clean everything up including your registry,it might cost you a couple of bucks but it will save you a lot of grief in the long run. I know I did it myself and I very happy with the result. I'm sure you will be too, there's just nothing better than a fast running computer .

Another way to make computer run faster you say,well you should run a defragmentation ,it gets rid of all those logs and files and organizes everything so that things will run a little smoother ,it usually takes a couple of hours but its defiantly worth it .

These are some of the things to make your computer go faster and I sure hope that I have helped someone out there to improve the speed and performance of there computer while playing games. Remember you should do these things every couple of months to keep things running smoothly.

Cheers Paul.