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Farmville Is A Virus!

She sat there for hours planting, harvesting and rearranging her farm. It wasn’t until her mother told her time is up for the internet that she realized she had forgotten about her term paper that was due tomorrow. With no options left, she had no possible way to finish her assignment because she hadn’t even started it! This is just one of many situations that addicted Farmville players find themselves in. This game has become so popular that people neglect their other responsibilities. When I say that Farmville is a virus, I don’t mean one that infects your computer. I mean a virus that spreads across thousands of people causing them to waste precious time.

In my earlier example, Farmville can cause many people to lose sight of time. This has also happened for adults as well. Many adults pass up their deadlines and projects due to the importance of logging onto that game before their crops wither. Many students find themselves facing bad grades as well. This gets worse when the entire family is hooked into the Farmville scheme.

Like many other addicting games out there, Farmville can take a toll on relationships. When one person has to leave the middle of a conversation or engagement with their significant other to harvest animals and crops, it leaves the other partner feeling a little ticked off. For others, it could be from a lack of conversation period. I have had many moments where I am trying to have a conversation with someone and they won’t take their eyes off of that damn game! I just can’t comprehend what makes the game so important that people are willing to neglect their friends, children and spouses.

Another terrible aspect about the game is the cost. Many of you know what Farmville is and are quick to say, “but the game is free to play!” Just like many other “free to play” games there are always way to spend your money within the game. I, myself, try my best to avoid this in any Facebook games, but even I have fallen victim to it before. When you are in competition with your neighbors and such, you tend to do whatever it takes to have the best farm. Zynga makes it very easy for people to spend their money within the game. Not only can you purchase farm cash within the game, but you can buy it via Facebook credits as well. I can’t tell you how many Farmville gift cards I have seen in my local Wal-Mart also! Many members of my family have proudly exclaimed that they can’t wait to spend their $50.00 Farmville gift card for purchases in the game. I thought that was insane!

While Farmville is not technically a computer virus, this game grabs a hold of people in an alarming way. This game has become more important to people than deadlines, relationships and finance. Watch out fellow surfers of the internet, this game is as catchy and contagious as the flu!