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The Sith Empire Background

One of the featured allegiances of the up and coming MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the Sith Empire. Less cut and dried than most people may believe, the Sith's history is actually rich and intricate, hailing back to their initial homeworld of Korriban.

In fact, no one knows if the first Sith lived on Korriban, but certainly many of the earliest Sith lords set up territory there. The planet's energy flows through their veins, feeding each Sith's dark force power.

The Sith are dominated by those hungry for power. Each Sith leader, beginning with the Dark Lord Naga Sadow from centuries ago, has thirsted for power, bringing new expansion to the Sith empire. In the setting of SW:TOR, The Sith Empire has vastly expanded, becoming a legion.

When the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, the Sith were forced to give up a great deal of territory and allow for peace once more. However, rumors have it that many Sith lords are again working to take control of outlying planets and launch a new attack on the Galactic Republic.

The Emperor has disappeared into the background and now the Dark Jedi council has largely taken control of political matters for the Sith. Meanwhile, the four playable classes of SWTOR Sith side, including the Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent, and Bounty Hunter, will begin to come to the fore.

Your own individual character in the game will help to shape events of the Sith empire. This means that much of their history is left unwritten; only the barest hints are left here and there. Korriban is indisputably linked to the Sith, and this planet may play a large part within the game.

Evidence of Korriban in the Dark Jedi's lineage is clear, especially in races such as the Zabrak (Iridonians). These people have red and black tattoo markings and horns, and their eyes are colored vivid yellow. The insidious nature of this dark force power that feeds the entire planet of Korriban can be seen clearly in the bodies of the Zabrak.

Ultimately, the Sith Empire is rich in history, intrigue, and political domination. Each Sith leader holds their own agenda and will stop at nothing to gain power. If you play a Sith in this game, you will be fighting for one of the most massive and powerful legions of the entire Star Wars universe. And certainly, it does not lack for history, seeing how many leaders, poltical feuds, and unique references are seen in the Sith's background. The Old Republicwill certainly do justice to the Sith race.