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. Plays June 24, 2012

Tom Orry, Editor - Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, PS3

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath screenshot

Stranger's Wrath is included in the current line-up of games offered free of charge on PlayStation Plus, so I thought I'd give it a go to see how the spruced up visuals look. It certainly offers a step up over the original, but for me it's now in a slightly awkward in-between area that is neither current or previous gen. The guys at JAW have done a great job, but I can't help but wish the game world was rendered with lovely next-gen fidelity.

But anyway, this is still the same great game I played on the Xbox back in 2005 and is certainly worth a revisit in HD. If you're yet to play it, it's one of the most original action games ever and proof that first-person shooters don't have to be about pumped up men with assault rifles.

Martin Gaston, Reviews Editor - Battlefield 3, Xbox 360

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters screenshot

Played Battlefield 3 again. Shot loads of dudes. Enjoyed it. Scrapyard is by far the best map in the Close Quarters pack. Not a big fan of Ziba Tower. Had a game on Operation Metro the other day I actually enjoyed, which I'm sure is a first.

Quick question, though - are there any official EA servers around, or is the entire game run off servers people are paying to rent now? I haven't seen a single one in months.

Still, good times. It's Double XP this weekend for Premium subscribers, so that's my plan for Sunday afternoon sorted. Cheers DICE.

Neon Kelly, Deputy and Features Editor - Deus Ex: Human Revolution, PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Deus Ex: Human Revolution screenshot

I've been rummaging my way through the Humble Indie Bundle V this week, but for some reason most of my gaming hours have fixated on Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I'm not exactly sure why - I've got lots of half-played or unfinished stuff in my stack from this year, after all - but I suspect that there's simply a particular itch that only this kind of game will scratch. And when all's said and done, there aren't that many of them.

For this, my second proper attempt at a playthrough (assuming I stick with it), I'm going to try for the Pacifist and Foxiest of the Hounds achievements. If any of you forumites have done this already and have any advice to offer, please do post me a tip or two. I'm not particularly optimistic, especially as I'm playing on Hard. Wish me luck!

David Scammell, Staff Writer - FIFA Football, PS Vita

FIFA Football screenshot

If you read my article earlier in the week about handheld gaming still being socially unacceptable, you'll know that I've been playing a lot more of my Vita on my way in to work. And while I've tried to sink my teeth into Uncharted and Metal Gear HD, the inescapable clutches of FIFA keeps dragging me away from them both. Martin would probably try and tell you that it has something to do with the fact that there are balls in it. But that's because he's a child.

In actual fact, I think it's probably more to do with FIFA fitting the bill of handheld gaming far more neatly than most other Vita titles. While most seem shrunken down console experiences, FIFA's great for playing in bite-size chunks, all while satiating a sense of progression.

I'm currently leading Man Utd's campaign through the Premier League, and Scammell's been putting in a great performance, although the manager's decision to leave him out of bigger games is beginning to frustrate. Where's the fun in playing through the Premier League if I'm forced to skip playing against the biggest teams in the competition, EA?

Scammell may not be up to the task of heading to Kiev with the rest of the boys quite yet, then. But here's hoping the rest of the England team won't be forced to reach for their Vitas on a plane back home tonight.