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WoW Hunter Leveling Guide

A Hunter in WoW is quite possibly one of the fastest and funnest classes to level. They also happen to be one of the best farming classes, even while leveling. In this Hunter Leveling Guide, we will discuss a few aspects will make leveling your Hunter much easier and more efficient. Now with Cataclysm, leveling a Hunter is easier than ever, since you no longer require ammunition, and start with a pet at Level 1.

Hunter Leveling Guide Part 1: Proper Spec

Now, I will start by saying that all three hunter talent trees are viable for leveling. However, I personally prefer Beast Mastery for my hunter leveling spec because it allows you to turn your pet into a tank while you deal damage from afar. It will require a little more pet management, but overall is the most efficient leveling build. Also, you are able to restore health to your pet more efficiently, and while it continues damaging your enemies. These qualities make for a spec that has both killing power, and survivability. Finally, having a more powerful pet puts less emphasis on the importance of your equipped gear. Yes, you’ll need gear still but we will discuss that in:

Hunter Leveling Guide Part 2: Gearing up

First things first, the majority of your damage will come from your ranged weapon. So you will need a gun or a bow. You are able to equip swords, axes, staves, fist weapons, polearms, and daggers. However, these are mostly for stat purposes. The actual damage from your weapons is not entirely important since most of your damage will be ranged. However, occasionally you will have to raptor strike and wing clip if enemies get too close, so a weapon can still be useful. But again, it’s mostly for stat purposes. You are able to equip leather armor until level 40, when you will gain proficiency for mail armor. At level 50, you will want to be in all mail armor in order to get the mail specialization bonus. Your primary stats will be agility and stamina. Other useful stats will include hit, crit, and haste rating. Mastery is also very beneficial, though you won’t see that until level 80.

Hunter Leveling Guide Part 3: Hunter Professions

The following professions are beneficial to a hunter: Mining, Herbalism, Skinning, Leatherworking, Engineering, Alchemy, Inscription, Enchanting, Alchemy, and Jewelcrafting. Leatherworking will allow you to craft armor for yourself. Engineering allows you to create guns, unique helms, ranged explosives, and unique armor and weapon enhancements. In fact, engineering is probably better for hunters than any other class in World of Warcraft. All the other professions are generally good for all classes. Picking a gathering profession is good and easy to level up. However, crafting professions are more beneficial in the long run in regards to gear, as well as profit. In fact, using a WoW Gold Guide, I was able to use my professions to make thousands more gold than I was before. I also recommend using the same WoW Gold Guide if you plan on leveling a crafting profession, since it can become quite expensive to do so. The guide I used will significantly lower the time and cost of leveling professions, in addition to helping you actually make Gold in WoW.

In my reviews of different WoW Leveling Guides, and WoW Gold Guides, I have learned a lot of tips and tricks, that not only made the game much easier, they also made the game enjoyable again, and not so much of a chore or a way of life. Leave me some Street Talk and let me know what you think. What’s your favorite Class and Spec?