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Last Of Us Remastered Edition Review: How Does It Look Now?

When The Last of Us was released last year, it earned many rave reviews and a ton of awards. Why was this? Simply because the game itself was amazing, the graphics were amazing, the storyline was devastating yet beautiful and the overall game itself just took your breath away. Now in 2014 the game was re-released on the PlayStation 4 with its newly remastered edition, but we are still wondering if anything really changed with it. Well, EpicFyreTv had the chance to play the Last of Us remastered edition for ourselves and here is what we thought of it.

They Changed….Nothing!

This is something we were very pleased to find when we began playing the game. When the Last of Us was originally released games worldwide fell in love with both Joel and Ellie and we fell in love with the storyline. It was the primary reason this video game won so many awards: it did something that no other video game was able to do. You felt for these characters, as broken as they were and loved them regardless of their faults.

What The Developers Did Change...

In the newly remastered edition gamers will find that the characters and the storyline still remain the same, as they should. The only thing that you will notice is how much sharper and clearer the environments look. Even Joel and Ellie got a makeover as now you can literally count how many grey hairs Joel has and see how knarly Ellie’s bite mark looks.

There were other noticeable changes made as well such as the fact that the developers increased the framerate of the game to 60 FPS. While this may not seem like a big deal, this will surprise many gamers as soon as they watch the first couple of seconds of the cinematic opening trailer. In our opinion it seemed like the characters were a bit jumpy and that they were rushing around. However, after playing for a couple of minutes you will get used to the increased frame rate and not even pay it any attention.

Overall, the Last of Us Remastered Edition just makes this game even more beautiful. When Last of Us was originally released we were all taken aback by how the cities and surrounding around the characters looked as they looked life-like. With a clearer and sharper look to it the surroundings look even more devastatingly beautiful and it is something we know many gamers would comment on. As a whole, this game was made even better in the remastered edition and it is certainly worth playing just for nostalgia. EpicFyreTv fell in love with the original and now we cannot give enough praise to the remastered edition. To see what we are talking about, you just need to play this game for yourself.