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The Dream Of Playing Wow Without Spending Money Will Come True

All the wow game players have the same dream of playing the world of warcraft without spending money. This dream never come true that make game players disappointed. Hey, guys, don’t be so upset, Blizzard had released the WoW Tokens that can exchange in-game time and gold. Players can Buy WoW Items with the gold. The WoW Tokens considered as new plan for introducing non-subscription-based options into the massively multiplayer online game.

Unlike Eve Online's system, players will not be able to set their own in-game gold prices for WoW Tokens. Instead, they'll be exchanged to the auction house at a rate based on a special formula Blizzard has developed. This will take into account supply and demand for Tokens as well as other elements of the World of Warcraft economy in each region. Expedient players will presumably be able to play World of Warcraft for free, provided they earn enough challenge mode gold each month to keep their subscription running. However, it's not exactly the "free to play dream." These types of systems typically benefit high-level players the most—especially ones who sink a lot of time into the game.

WoW Tokens can be purchased by players with real money. They can then turn around and sell the Tokens on World of Warcraft's auction house. Players who want to spend real money to earn in-game gold now have a legitimate way to do so directly through Blizzard. The developer is hoping this will help stop third-party sellers from compromising the accounts of innocent players to steal gold. Now players who want to spend dollars to earn gold can do so without resorting to some sketchy service with a website that looks like it was made in Geocities. Other players can purchase WoW Tokens off the auction house with in-game wow gold. Once purchased, they can be redeemed for 30 days of game time. Since Tokens are sold at a set gold price, they're also not resellable. Once you've purchased a Token from the auction house, it's soulbound to your character and must be redeemed by you.

In other words, WoW Tokens is a way for players with a lot of gold (i.e. time) to cut down their real money expenses. Players with money to spare but less free time, meanwhile, get an easier way to acquire gold for their character. Tokens also cut out third-party challenge conqueror gold sellers from the equation. These companies traditionally rely on shady tactics such as hacking and stripping other players' accounts to get their inventory of gold. In other cases, they automate their characters using botting software so they can farm up materials without actively playing. I don't doubt these gold farmers still try to ply their wares in WoW but at least players won't need to risk dealing with them.

The starting gold value in each region will be based on several factors, including regional in-game economies, but ultimately our goal is to select a fair and reasonable starting price. After that, the Token’s gold value will be determined dynamically based primarily on player supply and demand. Simply put, if more WoW Tokens are being listed than are being purchased, the price will automatically drift downward over time. If people are purchasing Tokens from the Auction House faster than they’re being put up for sale, then prices will go up accordingly.

Although the dream of playing world of warcraft without a subscription doesn’t come true right mow., the wow tokens can cheer all the wpw game players up. Players can buy WoW Gears with the gold that exchanged by WoW Tokens.