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The Popularity Of Tower Defense Games

If you are a longtime video game player, chances are that you have played some form of tower defense or another at some point in your gaming life. One of the most popular types of real-time strategy video games in recent years, tower defense games have achieved widespread popularity all over the world for their distinct style of gameplay and numerous creative variations.

Most tower defense games have common elements that are familiar features in most games of the genre. There is almost always an objective involved, which is often to prevent the opposing team from capturing the tower by eliminating them as they approach. This can be done using a combination of methods, with most variations involving setting traps to slow down the enemy and then shooting at them. Despite this basic premise, most such games are actually much less violent than other popular types of video games, making them suitable for children above the age of 10. The simplicity of the game also makes them better suited to a younger audience.

Most such games start out with both attackers and defenders having somewhat limited weapons, capabilities and life. As the game progresses and players starts to add on to their scores, their abilities and lives may increase, and they may have access to more effective weapons. Some games even allow the defenders to spend money for bolstering the defense of the tower.

Most tower defense games involve the use of a specially designed area map, which the attacking players will have to cross to get to the tower. Along the way, numerous obstacles may be encountered by the attacking forces. Some of these obstacles are built in as part of the map, or they may be placed by the defending forces. Attackers may also have the use of structures and terrain for hiding or launching strategically timed attacks.

Some of the more interesting and more challenging variations of tower defense games feature a maze that attackers will have to go through in order to get as close to the tower as possible. For the defending players, this type of terrain also makes it possible to set up strategic obstacles that will make it more difficult for attackers to get through the defenses or make it easier for defenders to eliminate them. Still other games allow defenders to arrange their towers and other structures strategically for the same purposes.

Some of the more popular titles in this tower defense category are Gemcraft 4, Bloons TD 4, Lord Of War, Canyon Defense, Ultimate Defense, and Ant Buster.

Although most tower defense games allow a certain degree of control over how the terrain can be arranged, the degree of control varies from game to game. While some tower defense games allow players to directly control how certain elements will be placed, others restrict the players to somewhat limited options. In any case, tower defense games generally offer numerous interesting scenarios for attack and defense, making the genre some of the most engrossing types of games in existence.