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Making Gold In World Of Warcraft With A Wotlk Gold Guide

Even though we are in the era of a new expansion, making gold by farming in Northrend is still very viable. Perhaps you're leveling a toon through Northrend for the first time, or want to change up your farming routine. In this guide, I will explain how to optimize your time spent obtaining gold in WoTLK content.

Questing and Dailies:

If you have done all the Catacylsm quests and want to make more gold doing quests, I would highly recommend going back and doing WoTLK content quests. While not putting out as much gold as most Cataclysm quests, you can still make a decent amount all while getting items that can sell for profit at the auction house. If you're an enchanter, disenchant the greens you get to sell for money at the auction house for those leveling up enchanting. With BoE items, check to see if you find them aesthetically pleasing - if so, sell it for high at the auction house. Some players will pay a large amount of gold to use it for transmogrification.

If you're doing dailies for the sole purpose of getting gold, I wouldn't reccommend doing the WoTLK dailies as Cataclysm dailies give more. Although when leveling through Northrend I highly reccommend doing the ones you gain access to along the way as it is easy experience and some extra gold. One daily hub in WoTLK, however, can make you a possible few thousand gold - the Argent Tournament dailies. These sell BoE rare pets (one per race) that can sell for a good price at the auction house. The downside to this is it will take you awhile to be able to have enough seals to buy them (not to mention the first stages of the tournament you have to do).


WoTLK items are going for a decent amount in most servers auction house. This is mainly due to the fact that there are much fewer players in Northrend now - but the demand is still there due to power-leveling a profession or needing a certain item to craft gear for transmogrification.

One item that will seldom let you down, regardless of what expansion content you are farming in, is the elemental essences (essences are the vanilla version of primals, eternals, volatiles) which in WoTLK would be Eternals. I should point out before listing places to farm these that in order to make an Eternal you must collect ten of the Crystallized ____ (whatever element you're farming to craft one).

  • Crystallized Water can be fished up in most Northrend fishing pools. Without fishing, you can easily obtain them by killing Water Revenants in Wintergrasp.
  • Crystallized Air can be obtained by an engineer by extracting them from clouds, or by a miner that mines a Titanium Vein. Without either of these professions, they can be obtained by killing Tempest Revenants in Wintergrasp.
  • Crystallized Earth can be a random drop from all Northrend mining nodes. Without mining, you can get them from Earthbound Revenants in Wintergrasp.
  • Crystallized Life can be a random drop when herbing. Without herbalism, you can farm these off Mature Lashers in Wintergrasp.
  • Crystallized Shadow can be mined as a random drop from either a Saronite or Rich Saronite mining node. Without mining, you can obtain these by killing Shadow Revenants in Wintergrasp.
  • Crystallized Fire can be obtained as a random drop when mining a Titanium Vein. Without mining, you can obtain them by killing Flame Revenants in Wintergrasp.

Frostweave Cloth, fish, meat, ore, leather and herbs from Northrend are still valuble as people level up professions. Level capped characters will pay good gold to level a profession quickly, or those leveling an an alt. Using a WoW Gold Addon can give you great insight to what is in high demand on your server.

Frostweave cloth drops from most humanoids in Northrend. You can obtain this fairly easily at level 85, and it still sells for a decent amount since Frostweave bags are still in high demand.


-Be sure to check the auction house to see what is going for the best price on your server.

-Addons will help you when farming and checking prices. Use your WoW Gold addon to use and pick the ones that you think will be helpful.