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Will PC Gaming Take Over Consoles As Soon As 2014?

The way people have been talking the past couple of years about PC gaming has been pretty grim. The console market is thriving, leaving PC gaming in the dust. The one thing you should know as a PC gamer is that most of the people avdertising the "PC gaming is dead" is actually the compitition such as the console or mobile market.

When you think of the PC side of gaming you think of quality, and if the software or hardware isn't a quality product then its not going to sell. When you think of certain companies in the PC world (not the gaming side) that are thriving, they arent thriving because they are the only brand on the market. The reason they are thriving is because they give there customer base the product they expect every time.

This is why I brought up quality in PC gaming, if it's not up to the PC gamers standards it is not going to sell. Take a famous PC game like like World of Warcraft. This game came out over six years ago and is nearing 10 billion dollars in sales. The PC market is a very dedicated one, and if your company tends to favor the console side of gaming and not give the PC gamers what they want in there games your not going to sell. I will give a recent example on this Crysis 2. I don't want to get into to many details about this game, but they dumbed down the PC version because Crytek was trying to get into the console market with Crysis 2.

The PC gaming market has a good retail sales market at two billion dollars that isnt going to change in the next couple of years. The biggest thing that PC gaming is changing is the digital distribution and microtransactions. The PC market is looking to overtake the declining console market in this category. One onf the best examples of digital distribution being so huge is the game Minecraft. People have been playing this game in beta for a couple of years now, with no release date in site, but guess how many copies they have sold to date, 3,608,188. Over three and a half million people have bought this game and the games isn't even fully released yet.

PC gaming is moving forward so fast because of the "free to play" market, which brings in alot of revenue from microtransactions. Just recently one of my favorite MMO games to come out in a while DC Universe is going free to play very soon. With all these free to play options on so many games out there, why would'nt people be compelled to dive into the "Free to play" gaming structure.