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The Portrayal Of Crime And Violence On TV And Video Games

Over the last two decades, technology as a whole has evolved faster than anyone predicted. Ten years ago, nobody had a clue about touch screens or 3D TVs. With all the advancements on the technological side, the content on tv has changed drastically too. From the amount of murder and crime television shows on TV, to games such as Call of Duty mimicking war in Iraq as if it were some game. The media shown today to all ages is more graphic and violent than ever before.

Language on television has become less and less censored as years go on. Growing up in the ninety's you would not even hear “ass” on TV. Watching many prime time shows on Abc or fox and it will not take long to hear a few curse words spread out within the dialogue. These little additions to the dialogue give the impression to many people that these phrases are part of the social norm. Kids in elementary schools are cursing, which many are saying is earlier than ever before. Children pick up everything they hear, if these curse words are used in casual dialogue, they will become a part of their vocabulary forever.

Television shows such as CSI and Law and Order have deterred people away from crime. In Crime Scene Investigation, the show reflects all the advanced techniques put in place to be used for justice. The technology portrayed throughout the program, make getting away with a crime almost seem impossible. Law and Order goes through the top notch court systems to bust even some of the smartest criminals. With shows like this, the thought of getting caught is always at hand for any wrong doers. Along with the positive message that comes with shows like these, there can still be a negative output. A persistent fear can occur for many people. Especially the victims of previous crimes who connect themselves to the show may experience flash backs.

The media can have a huge impact on the Lifestyle theory. With people believing that life is fun when you are out partying and drinking do to shows like Jersey Shore, they are dealing with a High Risk lifestyle. Believing it is part of the social norm to be partying and maybe associating with the wrong crowd can lead to criminal activity. Many believe that the social norm is based around the social media on television.

One of the most controversial video games of the last two decades has been Grand Theft Auto. In this game you play a criminal in a city. Your job is basically to run the city through an order of crime. This game crossed so many boundaries in what was expected from video games. The game depicts crime as a “good time” and some believe it influences others to bring that into the real world.

The multi-billion dollar video game industry derives a ton of their money from that of first person shooters. These games are incredibly realistic and truly embrace the player in a life like environment. Call of Duty is one of the biggest games out. This game puts the players in war simulations similar to that of the war in Iraq. Playing a soldier in the military is not supposed to be fun. Now instead of the average 14 year old child playing kickball with friends, he is fighting in a war simulation and finding death fun. A lot of kids are joining the military right out of high school. Do these military war simulations have anything to do with it?

Some games and television shows represent some crimes to hold high rewards with low risks. Many times this affects the person's judgment. These TV shows and video games can persuade a normal citizen into committing a crime. These games definitely change the way people think about rational choices.

Three decades ago, the average television viewer may be watching The Brady Bunch. Now if that very same person were watching today, they might be watching something full of immature humor like Family Guy. There are huge differences in these programs. The Brady Bunch depicted the most well behaved family possible. Meanwhile Family Guy is absurdly outrageous with the humor used. These jokes or misconceptions taken from shows such as Family Guy are brought into the real world.

Violence in adolescent children has risen in recent years due to what is being watched on their favorite networks. Programs like Comedy Central’s South Park represent some of the most corruptible material for kids. Breaking boundaries with episodes relevant to current pop-culture, teens feel they can relate. Family Guy recently had an episode where high school student got high by “licking toad.” These students were experiencing hallucinogens and it was made out to be comical.

Stepping away from all of the violent aspects of television, networks like Nickelodeon barely have any educational value. How much could a child learn from SpongeBob Square pants? This is one of the most watched programs to date. Millions take time daily to view SpongeBob, but there is no positive message being distributed.

Not too long ago television and video games were more beneficial. Mr. Rogers is a prime example of education television. A role model for generations is easily replaced my senseless humor. It is hard to have a solid fan base for an educational program when children would rather be laughing. Another aspect of the social media today is celebrities. It seems that almost every day a new celebrity is being initiated into rehab. Witnessing your role model become so reckless can tamper with someone’s lifestyle. Actor’s like Charlie Sheen may initiate people’s consideration for narcotics.

Violence is more common on TV than ever before. New sports are taking spotlights away from sports like baseball and hockey. The UFC or Ultimate Fighting Championship puts two men in a cage to brawl until either one in unconscious or submitted. This can lead to so many bad tendencies in the school environment. For children to witness this brutal violence, some do not know how to react to it. Underground high school fight clubs have been being busted all over the U.S and the worst part is, some are organized by the parents. Without limits on what our children watch, who knows what they will bring with them into their social environment.

The lifestyle depicted today on both television and in video games is obscene and many are saying it will only get worse. On some networks after hours, profound cursing may happen even on that of basic cable. Limitations need to be put in place in order to control the material being shown to viewers. With not enough attention being brought to violence on TV, it will on continue to get worse.