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How To Lvl Up Fast In Wow - 3 Simple But Effective Power Leveling Tips For World Of Warcraft

The ongoing saga for me when I started playing WoW was knowing how to lvl up fast in WoW and level my favorite characters speedily and effectively. Whilst there's hardly any straight solution as every person's power leveling approach will depend greatly around the class type that they are playing along with countless other variables to take into consideration.

Which is the reason why this particular article is going to focus on 3 basic but often overlooked practices designed for leveling up swiftly that will help you to lvl up fast in WoW. These techniques can easily be utilized for any class and really should be incorporated in to any type of power leveling strategy you may be considering.

Solo Questing

One of the key components that will help you to lvl up fast when ever solo questing is to try to accept every quest which is being offered throughout every questing area prior to actually taking on and completing the quests. By using this strategy you're going to accumulate quite a few solo quests in your current queue which will than allow for you to tactically pre-plan your questing path and even evaluate the best questing route from start to finish!

Don't worry about accepting quests that have little reward or involve a huge distance to cover, these can easily be abandoned once accepted and you're allowed 25 quests in your queue at any one time so you'll have plenty of space in your queue to accept more quests as you encounter more quest givers.

A real quick and yet effective technique for power leveling while you're playing solo and questing is to always set a tracker for the quest that you're pursuing so that you have in-game direction-finding support to help put a stop to you getting going off course and losing valuable time.

Understanding the quests purpose is another vital element when ever leveling up fast in solo play! It's all to easy to roll up at a quest and then squander valuable time and energy eradicating the mobs without knowing the actual solo quests goal, simply to discover that you had to merely obtain an item and return it to your quest giver.

It's also a wise idea to make sure you get in the practice of continually cross-checking your map because you will be able to check the objectives of a quest by selecting it and then examining your quest log directly underneath the map.


Dungeons really are without doubt one of the most highly effective strategies meant for power leveling within World of Warcraft. At any time when taking part in dungeons you're going to be required to operate within groups of players since the challenges and mobs will be more tougher than your usual solo-questing.

This is why the experience and gear returns are far better from dungeons compared to solo questing because enemies are considerably harder to beat. Dungeons are actually straightforward for you to get involved ever since the inclusion of the dungeon finder tool, any player which has achieved level 15 in WoW will be able to make an effort to join dungeons and it's really really worth applying dungeons into your power leveling technique within the early phases of WoW.

The key is for you to continuously be queuing for dungeons and complete solo-quests with the maximum amount of efficiency in-between. A nice little bonus as well to dungeons is that now and then you are going to get to be part of a team with more seasoned players where you're going to really reap the benefits of all of the rewards and XP on offer.

One important aspect of the dungeons experience which can often be completely skipped by players are the dungeon quests! I can't stress enough the additional benefit that finishing dungeon quests can have for your character, to start with the XP can accumulate really quick mainly because you'll wind up killing more elite enemies and also the gear you will obtain is usually much superior in contrast to solo-questing!


Grinding can be a part of a leveling strategy that can help you to lvl up fast in WoW may simply just cost you precious time when you're not grinding efficiently! More often than not players will continually grind the mobs without taking into consideration what amount of XP will be rewarded for the amount of time used up killing the enemies.

The problem is the fact that some enemies are going to be of a considerably lower level as compared with you and will not likely reward much experience therefore there's no actual sense in taking a few minutes to successfully kill them unless you might be on a solo quest and need to wipe out the mobs to complete the quest or maybe obtaining a certain item.

You will come across various elite monsters as you progress through the game that will offer you far better benefits. In many cases they can be identified simply by placing your cursor on them and taking a look at their stats, as an example, elite plus rare mobs are usually determined by the dragon around their portrait.