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Supercard Dstwo: Generation 2 Of DS Slot - 1 Flash Kits

The Supercard DSTWO, which was released by the seasoned team, is often called Gen. 2 of the slot-1 DS Flash Kits. Ever since these (slot-1) types of flash kits were introduced in the market, there was a growing need of some important advancement in these. They growing need the improvement owing to the pressure from the users led to introduction of Supercard DSTWO.

It is almost all the desired latest features and better support. These include SNES emulation, anti-piracy advancements (on-the-fly), slow-motion, (real-time) cheat editor, drag and drop playback of video, menu system within the game, softer reset and a lot more.

Special features of Supercard DSTWO

Before letting you know the set-up and usages of these cards, let us examine the special features of the latest Supercard. These are enlisted officially.

• It has real-time functions, which includes real-time game guide, save and cheat. The real time game guide is available on txt, jpg and bmp etc.

• It offers the facility of multi-saves and it extends to a maximum of 4 slots. Besides this, there are also restores saves and easy (to) back-up saves as well.

• You can avail the benefit of unlimited storage support space support to microSD.

• There is SDHC support of FAT/FAT 32.

• You can enjoy slow motion upto 4 levels.

• It comes with a file management system with cut, copy, delete and paste options.

• It supports multiple languages.

• It supports long file names.

• You can read the E-book in JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, JPG, BMP, TXT and TIF formats.

• It has a GBA/SNES based built-in Emulator.

Usage and set-up

I have mentioned a number of features of supercard dstwo above. These are very beneficial for the users. The Supercard EOS v1.02 software, which has been released, recently, comes with 4 key directories. These directories include “_dstwo”, “NDSGBA”, “moonshl2”, and “_dstwoplug”. To be used all the four directories need to be put in the ROOT of the microSD card, which has been recently formatted.

There is no doubt that it is one of the superb flash carts, available in the market for DS series. It is equipped with a built-in and powerful CPU that has the ability to emulate GBA. A large number of carts that are available in the market don’t have these features. However, to realize any of the features you must have the related software or the plug-in.

With the help of DSTWO you can watch the movie and videos as well but it should have the DSTWO iPlayer v1.1 plug-in. Similarly, there are other features as well which have the required firmware to allow it function perfectly.

The main focus of the developing team of Supercard has always has been to live upto the expectation of the people and make these as per the demand of the time. Every time there is a need, the team is upfront with a new development. The recent upgradation is a testimonial to that. This has been the chief reason why there has been no decrease in the popularity of these carts.