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Diablo 3 Release Date

Diablo 3 is the hotly anticipated sequel to Blizzard’s quintessential hack-‘n-slash ARPG franchise, Diablo. The last instalment to this series came roughly a decade ago, and, with beta information now available demand for a Diablo 3 release date has reached a fever pitch on many fan sites and forums.

But When Is It Coming Out?

With Blizzard employees being their usual secretive selves, trying to nail down any specific release date might be considered by many to be a stupid thing to do. However, there are several telltale clues that you can take into account in order to try to figure out a rough release estimate. A rough estimate might give only a certain time frame, but figuring out a time frame is better than simply waiting for the big news to drop.

Things To Consider

This may sound really basic here, but bear with me. Blizzard is a corporation. Like most other corporations, its design is to, when all is said and done, make as much money on its products as it can. “But what does the capitalist profit motive have to do with me?” You ask, “I just want to play the game.” Yes, but you can use this information to your advantage.

What Does This Mean To Me?

All things considered, Blizzard looks to be gunning for a 2011 holiday season Diablo 3 release date. Sales for just about every product peak around the Christmas season. Think about it. Blizzard has a game that is obviously sitting on the stress testing and polishing phase. Pretty much all the feedback from the Friends and Family beta has been positive, despite being shown a relatively small slice of the game. Why would they sit on a game that will print money for them at Christmas?

How Can I Get Into The Beta Test?

Right now, unless you are one of the lucky 5000 or so people invited to the aforementioned Friends and Family test, your best bet for experiencing some Diablo 3 goodness is to opt-in for the beta test through Bnet. You must have an account in good standing, with either World of Warcraft or StarCraft 2 attached to it in order to register for the test. You simply go to your beta profile, make certain that you have checked the box beside “Diablo Universe,” and then download the system specifications utility to upload your specs to Bnet. After that, you join in on the waiting game.

In The End

Even on the odd chance that Blizzard does not set a holiday Diablo 3 release date, with the state that the game is in at the time of writing it probably won’t drag on more than a few months past at most. You can probably also bet that Blizzard may provide more details at Blizzcon.