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Super Smash Bros: Brawl!

I remember my younger gaming days,(Im only 23), but I remember being a really young kid, spending hours upon hours playing video games constantly challenging my last effort to become better. Eventually, though I grew up, but I still carry a soft spot in my heart for video games. One of the last games I ever played was Super Smash Brothers Melee, I loved this game. So when I heard they made a third installment to the gaming series I took an automatic interest in it. Super Smash Brothers. Brawl, well since I have no plans of picking up a controller anytime soon I can at least write an article about one of the most fun games I have never played.

Super Smash Brothers Gameplay

Unlike most fighting game that boast an health bar that loses a segment of it depending on the intensity of the attack, S.S.B.B(Super Smash Brothers Brawl) uses a damage percentage. The more damage an opponent is dealt the higher the percentage goes up, as the percentage goes up the weaker(lighter) than opponent becomes.

The objective of this game is to knock the opponent off the gaming platform. Every time a player is knocked off the boundary whether off screen in either direction up into the sky or falling downward, the player loses a life or coins(depending upon play). Unlike its predeccesors this game has many more playable characters, who all have their own standard attacks,Smash attacks and a new feature"Final Smash" which delivers, more damage depending on the severity of the blow.

There are many different modes of play. You can play solo modes which allows you to play against the computer. Group Modes, which allows you to play against another player. Adventure Mode which allows you to play against a array of powerful and bizarre opponents withe the intent to make it to the final level and beat the game.

Stages are similar to its prodeccesors in that as you fight your opponents the levels themselves change, which can become an advantage or disadvantage depending on the skill level of the player. Also items have been reintroduced into gameplay. These items can serve to even the odds against a more formidable opponent. Such items are: hammers, guns, swords, pokemon balls(that call pokemon to your aid during battle).

Though I have never actually played this game before I can tell by the articles I have read on it, that this game is a fast paced, high energy game that is full of powerful characters that are ready to do battle. If I were to return to gaming, this would a game that I would check out, being somewhat of a fan of some of the characters being introduced in this game.