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Video Games Today Make My Eyes Hurt!

I feel really old for saying this, but I have a hard time understanding how to play video games today. It's not because I am old and crotchety and permanently grumpy either. Well it may be, but I'm really not that old.

It's simply because there is just too much going on in most of the newer games that are available to kids and adults these days. I mean, have you seen any of the commercials for the games that came out lately?

They are a lot more like movie trailers than a simple commercial for a new video game. In fact, most of these trailers probably have higher production costs than a lot of independent films that come out each year.

I think most of the reason that I get so confused though is the game play itself, which seem obvious. I grew up playing very few games to begin with but when I did they were mostly simple. Your character ran from left to right, bumped his head on a coin, ate a mushroom and that was about it.

The new generation of games has all kinds of stuff going on that I can't even fathom. On top of the fact that the worlds in which your character has to wander around in are so ridiculously huge that you could literally get lost, they are all dark and gloomy too.

And what about the secrets in some of the game titles? What do I mean? In most of the games that are available today there are all kinds of secret missions that you can do to power up your character and do all kinds of crazy things.

I remember the codes you could put in for "Mike Tyson's Punch Out" that would let you fight the champ right off the bat. I also remember when that seemed like the coolest hack or cheat in the history of video games.

Oh how times have changed.

There is this game called Skyrim that has all kinds of cool things for their players to do. Honestly, this game looks so cool that I am really considering dropping the few hundred dollars necessary to buy it and play it everyday.

Not only are the visuals some of the best I've seen, but the game play is really stunning and it looks like a blast to play. I don't know how well I would do at it though, because I do tend to get lost in games which have a lot for me to do.

I even read that you can learn how to get married in Skyrim just in case your character is bored with walking around the place alone. Funny, but to me it seems like a video game world would be the perfect place to get some privacy!

I don't know about that but maybe I'll try to find out how to turn into a werewolf in Skyrim since that sounds a bit more my speed.

I still fear that I won't really get how to play though. When playing a modern video game in a world that isn't linear and simple in nature I can easily see myself wandering around in circles and quitting in frustration.

I guess I could always have the neighbor kid come over though and help me out if I get really stuck. Now if I can only come up with a pocket full of money, I'll be all set!