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Grand Theft Auto IV Review


This game, set in a re-imagined version of Liberty City (based off New York), truly shows you how difficult life is for the lower class. It really makes you see how fortunate you are, never having to deal with this life.

Story (10/10)

Grand Theft Auto IV ships with the best story the franchise has seen yet. If you have never played Grand Theft Auto before, let me get you up to speed. The story progresses through a series of errands you need to do, which involve delivering packages from point a to point b while avoiding the cops, to going and killing a gang leader. Since Niko's only skill is killing, you're options are limited, but there are plenty of people looking for the services of a man like Niko in Liberty City. The story also, true to GTA, has it's standout characters that you will come to know and love throughout the game. Also, for the first time ever in the franchise, there is choices you can make that effect the story. Some choices affect the story a bit more than others, some giving you some cash if you take one side, or a new safehouse if you choose the other. Other choices completely affect the story after the decision is made. This new addition is something that has been lacking throughout the series, and I'm glad it has finally been implemented. Another thing that makes the Grand Theft Auto IV story stand out is it's replay-ability. This is something that is hard for a story in any game to do, but Grand Theft Auto IV will have you wanting to replay the story again and again after you have finished the game. In conclusion, the story of Grand Theft Auto IV is one of the best out there, and will keep you hooked throughout. I feel many people just pick up the GTA games to screw around, kill cops and run over pedestrians, but this is a story you really need to dig into.

Gameplay (7.5/10)

Grand Theft Auto IV plays like charm... most of the time. The addition of the cover system was a welcome addition, and will save you from death multiple times. The cars handle realistically for the first time ever, unlike the arcade style driving from past Grand Theft Auto games. The game also runs very well under normal circumstances. Although, I have experienced some serious frame rate drops, and the game has even frozen, if there is to many things going on at once. I have experienced this on both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. PC gamers will experience similar issues just getting the game to run. This game is very stressing on the pc, and you will need a top of the line PC to run this game. If you can get this game to run on PC, however, it is a beautiful game. This game would get a 10 for gameplay, if it was not for the issues it experiences when there is too much going on.

Graphics (10/10)

The graphics in this game are amazing, much better than previous games in the franchise. However, this is what stresses the game the most, and that is why there are frame rate issues. As you play the game, you will find yourself astounded at the graphics when the game is running well. They are some of the best graphics to be found in a game to date.

Side Attractions (10/10)

Just like in previous GTA games, there is plenty for you to do, aside from the main story. However, there is much more to offer here than in any previous installment, and will have you playing long after you finish the main story, or will give you a welcome break from the story if you are stuck on a mission. You can hang out with friends, or take your girlfriend on a date, and do a variety of mini games with them. These mini games include things such as bowling, pool, or taking them to a strip club. You can even take them to a bar if you want, get your favorite drinks, and drive them home whilst being drunk. There are many other mini games you can choose to do, so explore for yourself. Like in previous installments, there are plenty of collectibles. There are no more hidden packages, like in previous grand theft auto games, but they have been replaced by 200 pigeons hidden around the city. It can be a grind to find them all, but it is a nice addition nonetheless. Another collectible in the game is the hidden stunt jumps. There are 50 stunt jumps for you to find throughout the city, and in my opinion, one of the most fun collectibles ever featured in a video game. There are plenty of side missions for you to do if you are tired of the main story. These missions are harder to find in Grand Theft Auto IV than in previous games though. You cannot find these side missions unless you are at a certain part of the map at a certain time of the day, and only then will they show up through a blue marking on your mini map. However, there are no shortage of side missions that have nothing to do with the main story. There is plenty more in Grand Theft Auto IV to do than just the main story, even more than is listed here, so explore for yourself. Liberty City is quite possibly the most alive gaming world ever created.

Multi-Player (10/10)

For the first time ever in the series, Grand Theft Auto IV includes multi-player. Just like the Single-Player, there is plenty here to keep you playing. You can do everything from deathmatch, to races, to a Grand Theft Auto version of cops and crooks. There is also 3 co-op missions for you to do with your friends. If you feel like just screwing around in the massive Liberty City, you can set up a free roam session for you and a few friends. You can adjust your online character model whenever you would like. To unlock new things for your online character model, you need to rank up. Grand Theft Auto IV Multi-Player features a 10 rank system, which uses money, GTA's form of XP, to rank up. It will take many hours to rank up to max level, but the Multi-Player is so fun, that is not a problem. Xbox 360 and PS3 have a maximum of 16 players in an online lobby. However, if you have a PC that can run this game, you have the advantage here, because PC games can hold up to 32 players for insane Multi-Player fun. You will find Grand Theft Auto IV's Multi-Player bringing you back for more, just like all other aspects of the game.

Overall (9.5/10)

This game is one of the best games of all time, and will be on my top 10 list coming soon for sure. Even six years after release, this is still one of the best games on the market today, and I still play it today. If you are a true gamer, there is no way you can pass up on this game. Other than the frame rate issues and freezing, this game is flawless. There is so much to do, you will never find yourself bored. I applaud Rockstar Games for the effort the put into making this game as good as it could be.