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On A Leash, Ie Mobile Phone Addiction

With data from the Office of Electronic Communications, from 2008, shows that mobile phones had the 97% of Poles. These data are not surprising, because we rarely meet someone who does not use this device. Also, older people who sometimes refer to the provision of new technologies, break their resistance and see the benefits of the possibility of free communication. In contrast, a person who loudly declares that the cell does not have and is not her she needed anything, is treated with amazement, and even as a harmless eccentric. But are you sure the possibility of having mobile phone is our only pure happiness? "But of course" - someone will answer - "cell gives me a sense of security, facilitates contacts with loved ones, as well as arranging interests". These are all important advantages of this phone, but if it does not happen sometimes we think that it has become for us, restricting leash? I go out of the house and I hear: "Call, which you get back," and I am obliged to keep this in mind. I'm too busy, and here again the phone rings or you receive an SMS. I have the impression that the mobile phone into one pocket puts a human sense of independence, on the other sucks the sense of freedom. Oh, such a paradox! During the holidays I lived at the resort, on whose territory it was hard to find the range, due to which the phone is not ringing unexpectedly, and even I myself call I limited to a minimum. During those two weeks stay, I felt that I became a little more free and I was not feeling at all in this alone.

All is not gold that glitters

As long as people have contacted each other only through landline phones, their conversations were private space from which zasłyszeć something they could at most household members. Today, at every step (sitting on the tram, walking down the street) participate in telephone conversations alien to us humans. Formerly also initiate such a conversation was more thoughtful, was associated with her ​​are needed for a specific time and feeling a particular need. And now often reach for the phone is simply due to a need - to pass the time. Coming by bus once listened to the man sitting next to me leads telephone conversation. Within an hour he called many of his friends, telling them the same words the same story. Namely, that the bus was coming back from their parents, returning a day later than planned, because his car broke down and he could not fix it. Each conversation ended with the words: "We need to meet soon," and I somehow felt that behind this "I" is probably not hiding any "want", because when you get off the bus, I will not have to fill a severe void, and even if it comes up again, you can call it yet, instead opt for a meeting. Anyway, if it does not happen often we say that we have no time to go to someone for coffee, and after a while for an hour to talk to this person by phone or send multiple SMS? Does not happen we say that we have some free time, and instead stay with himself in silence, reaching for the phone?

Youth XXI century is often referred to "text generation". A text message can be sent quickly, discreetly (eg. During the lesson or lecture), and this is cheap. The easy way to get the information we need, we inform someone about something or we express that someone remember and is important to us. However, this method often results in communication that we forget or we record a vicious rules of spelling, punctuation and style, because if we want to send a message quickly, it's not going to think about such a trifle. Brevity and conciseness of SMS, if very often we use them in communication, can be deceptive, because when meeting with someone face to face, you may find it difficult to have us talk and build extended speech.

In addition to the risk of crowding out the "contacts Phones" more direct forms of encounter with another human being, an important issue is also the question of our image. Mobile phone has now become a determinant of social status. It is not - of course - about the same thing his possession, but it is to keep up with the canons of fashion - have the latest model, with the latest design, the latest features. Linked to this is, of course, a regular exchange of the camera instead of a carefree waiting until the phone is worn out, or even break down. Continuous receiving and making calls can be used to enhance their social status. People struggling with various complexes may wish in this way to create a picture of your person as obdarzanej great interest, respect, or even indispensable, and the occasion to arouse envy in people with their environment.

Compulsive escape from silence

Fonoholizm, otherwise reliance on mobile phone, is a new phenomenon, because the invention itself has been in business since relatively recently. The first country in which it was found that the new addiction, was China, and there also appeared in its English name: mobile phone dependence syndrome. Is distinguished by a number of symptoms characteristic of him, but I feel that the foundation is what all known addiction - the need to fill a severe void and escape before the meeting with himself. Therefore, what prevents this and other addictions, is the attention to our emotions and needs, and ensuring that the time and space to be able to see them at all.

I'm calling, I click, I play, I mention, that is, types of addiction from mobile phone:

Addicted to texting

These people feel the compulsion to send and receive text messages. Their mood depends on the number received on a given day texting. They can send even after several hundred messages per day. It happens that they send SMS messages not only to people in the vicinity, but even to themselves (eg. From a computer). As a result of such intense use of the camera's keypad, it is often very worn, and on the thumb of an addicted person, a characteristic imprint.

Dependent on new models

Addicted person often acquires new phone models to become to have her as the most fashionable and equipped with all modern functions. It seems like a large sum, and keeps track of improvements occurring in the mobile market.

"Cellular Exhibitionists"

These people when choosing a phone attached great importance to its appearance (color and style) and the price. They use the phone in such a way that everyone around him and had the opportunity owned by the features to look at. They talk on the phone very loudly, and when the phone rings, delaying the withdrawal. They can also ask to call them when they are in a public place. Often, they are characterized by low self-esteem, and identify your model camera with his social position.


Addiction is manifested particular interest for games on your phone. Addicts treat the camera as a game console. They play until they manage to beat a new record, attracts more and more new games.


SWT is a syndrome off the phone. People suffering from fear him off for a while your phone. In the absence of access to the camera going through the state as after discontinuation of the drug. To guard against this, usually carry with them an extra, charged battery, the phone often do not exclude even for the night, and when someone wakes up, it would be ready to take the call or answer a text.

Phone loneliness, or about the consequences of

Mobile Phone Addiction, especially in young people, resulted in the progressive withdrawal from the world outside. A person subject to increasingly avoid direct contacts and spends more and more time alone. In order not to feel acute loneliness, begins even harder to use the phone - sending SMS or playing games. Thus escapes from attempts to establish knowledge, as sending and receiving SMS gives her a sense of having a wide network of contacts. There are, however, often seeming knowledge, which does not produce a deeper bond. In a situation where a man is looking for help or ordinary contact, sometimes it turns out that you can not count on these people, causing destruction of intricately constructed illusions and falling into crisis. In addition to restricting telephone contact cuts off the addict from using and reading in the other person's emotional expression. In such contacts also lost a lot of authenticity and spontaneity of being with another man. On the other hand builds up contact with clearly limited framework and more predictable.

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