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Wow Gold Making Guide - Which Gold Making Guide Should I Choose?

If you've just started to play WoW you may be asking yourself the question "what is a gold guide". A gold guide is simply a guide that instructs you on how to amass a small fortune in gold while spending as little time as possible to earn the gold.

The problem is that there are so many gold making guides available for World of Warcraft and I can tell you from experience that most of these guides are now obsolete. Gold making guides were being created like they were going out of fashion, but most of the gold guides creators knew nothing of the game or how to amass lots of gold!

Most of the guides you'll find are just rehashed junk that has been copied and modified from another guide. The vendors that produce these guides do so for profit NOT for the benefit of the gamer! Most guides cover the basic "farming for gold" technique which is a viable option when equipped with maps and locations but there are more efficient ways to amass gold such as the auction houses.

If you're just getting started in World of Warcraft then you'll know acquiring gold can be a problem and you'll find yourself running out all the time, this is why many turn to gold making guides created by the so called experts.

What to look for in a gold making guide

A guide that contains step by step videos with pdf's and a list of extensive add-ons is usually a good sign that the guide is good and will serve you well. If it's someone selling an e-book then run a mile! Anyone can write an e-book, in fact I could take my collection of articles here on Street Articles alone and create an e-book. The point is that there's no guarantee this person or company knows what they are talking about.

A video screen-capture however will give you an over the shoulder approach to learning where you can watch the person go about their daily routine the game and learn there inside tips that way. This is not only better for learning but the chances are that the video creator knows their subject well or they wouldn't create a live demo. Also look for diversity in the gold making techniques, a guide such as the 20k leveling guide offers various methods and daily routines for amassing gold and details various add-ons for automating the process, these are the type of WoW gold guides that are usually created by a seasoned pro and worth exploring.

What NOT to look for in a gold making guide

E-Books/ PDF documents with no other form of content!

Stay well clear of any guides that primarily focus on farming for gold, this technique works but there are much better methods for amassing gold that take much less time. A guide that primarily focuses on farming for gold is outdated and obsolete.

If you're unsure of a certain guide, then do some research and find out how other players rate the guide, I would do this in a forum as opposed to just Googling your guide name as search engine reviews can be slightly biased!