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World Of Warcraft Tips For Leveling

What is World of Warcraft? It is a vast MMORPG where player’s quest and adventure, crafting items and concocting potions, cook, catch fish, dig for treasure, raid dungeons and gain glory as you level from 1 to 85. Getting to 85 is just about everything to the average player, which is when you can do heroic dungeons and when it comes to World of Warcraft tips for leveling, stick with getting information from someone who already has a few level 85 characters, and preferably on various realms, because they will give you the most trustworthy information.

Do not take advice from a newb who just read it from some guide, which is another discussion completely and because they are also just learning and probably do not even understand the whole guide, so stick to solid advice from an expert that is better suited for you, trust me (oh yea, I have 12 level 85’s, one of every class so I think I consider myself sort of an expert thank you). The World of Warcraft tips for leveling you will get may be very different from the general stuff you find on most sites.

Here are some quick World of Warcraft tips for leveling that will turn you into a power-leveler before you know it.

1. Always Play Fully Rested

Ask any serious World of Warcraft power leveling player and they will most likely tell you that they will play 2+ toons at once in order to take full advantage of always playing rested. They’ll play one toon for a half a day or so, till they get a purple bar, and then grab their rested blue bar toon from the inn where it was resting somewhere. That blue bar is your friend, purple is your nemesis. Work smarter, not harder.

2. Green Is Your Good

Of all the World of Warcraft tips for leveling this is by far the best one. Look at your questing log. Check to see what you have by way of quests that are grey in color. These are no longer going to give you any experience worth your while to even keep these quests, but double check to see if you might get an item or gear that could be worthwhile still, than delete the grey quests. The quests that you want to focus on are the green colored quests. These are considered 'easy' quests, and you should be able to complete them alone and with ease. These are your friends. Complete these as fast as possible to avoid having them fall under the grey colored category.

Yellow quests are cautionary quests. You may be able to complete these quests solo, they will be tougher and you must use caution. The orange and red quests are much more difficult. Players that have a lot of confidence in themselves, and can handle multiple mobs, or you can just plain 'handle' yourself, then doing these quests will reward you with the most experience that you can acquire for a quest. Yellow quests will give you more experience than green, and orange quests more than yellow, and red quests even more than orange but which are usually too difficult to complete without being a higher level or without extra help (yea, you are crazy to attempt the red ones by yourself) and you have to share experience then too.

Quest color is everything. Pay attention and you will gain experience in no time. Try and remember that if you do yellow quests before you complete your green quests, you run the risk of having the green quests turn into grey quests, rendering them useless to do. So try and do quests in difficulty level order.

There are a lot of World of Warcraft tips for leveling that will tell you to do the higher level, more difficult quests first. By doing it this way, you will die more often, because you will be mobbed by multiple mobs at a time, which means your armor will sustain much more damage, and that results in a larger amount of time wasted because you are constantly running back and forth for repairs. Remember, by doing the green quests first, you will find that you will power through them just like a pro. You’ll gain plenty of loot and more than enough XP, preferably rested, to make leveling easy and fast.

3. Don’t Do Instances when you’re Leveling Up

There are quite a few World of Warcraft tips for leveling that tell you that if you run instances while leveling up that you can get higher XP for killing the elite mobs within them. While the loot might be great, the truth is you won’t be leveling in an instance as fast as you would on a regular quest or two in the same amount of time.

4. Multi-Tasking

When venturing into every new zone, it is best to try and map out that stone and grab as many quests as there are available to you. Now, actually read your quest details, keeping in mind that you want to group these quests together in the areas that they belong to in the zone. For example, maybe you have to kill mobs in the north of a zone, but need to collect objects in the south. Complete all your quests in the north first, and then proceed south to collect your objects, and finish off those quests in the south before moving on to another area in the zone.

By completing quests in the different areas of the zone this way, you are consolidating your time and are able to finish more quests quicker resulting in you being able to level up faster. When you’ve completed two or three quests in one part of a zone, run back to hand them in all at once and then grab some more quests, but don't forget to repair. You’ll be surprised at how fast your XP goes up when you do this and is another good World of Warcraft tips for leveling.

One thing you don't want to do is wait to hand in a bunch of quests at once. For example, if you have 10 green quests to turn in all at once, you might find that after turning in five of them that the other five turn gray on you rendering them useless except for maybe quest rewards.

5. Other Zones

Be aware, that there are also quests that can be completed in other races zones. Don't be scared to wander into somewhere else on the continent to grab any quests available there - heck, maybe it's time to try a new continent?

In short, World of Warcraft power leveling can be conquered with ease by adhering to these basic leveling techniques, and that is by playing well rested with full blue bar, completing your green quests first, avoiding instances and multitasking, than you will be World of Warcraft power leveling genius yourself and it's all legal. These basic rules apply to all areas of the game, from beginner zones to the more difficult zones. Keep this in mind it will be all smooth sailing.

Oh, and one more thing to bear in mind, you might be asking are there are any World of Warcraft addons or leveling guides that will help you level even faster? My advice to you is to use World of Warcraft addons so that you do not waste valuable playing time switching back and forth from browser and the game. That would be tragic and would be defeating the purpose of power leveling!