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Goozex Review

If you are looking for a place to trade in your games for value, you might want to hold off on going to Gamestop. There is website known as Goozex, where you can trade in your games for points, and use those points to exchange for other games. This site is a cool and cheap way of getting games the games you want. There are games for almost every system and there are a broad range of games available on Goozex; however, it is far from perfect. Let us break down what this site is all about in this Goozex review.

The way Goozex works is that you can view the site and search for your game to see how many points it would net in Goozex; Usually ranging from 100-1000(sometimes a bit higher). Now this is both how much you would get from trading the game, and how many points you would need to acquire the game. For example, let’s say I wanted “Marvel vs. Capcom 3”, it is listed for 700 points, that means if I wanted the game I would need to have that many points, and if I wanted to trade that game, I would get 700 points. That is how the points system works. You are also required to have tokens on Goozex. Each token is worth one trade, you can buy tokens on Goozex for about $5.00 for 3 tokens. You can request your game of choice as “disk only”, “disk + manual”, or “full package”.

As I said earlier, Goozex is far from perfect, and here is why: Goozex has long wait times for multiple games. The newer games especially; Goozex features what they call lines, so if you have the points for a game you want, you can request that game and be put in line. If you wanted a game like Gears of War 3, you might be #500 in line. The waits can be quite long. Also, even being first in line means absolutely nothing if nobody is trading the game. There are a lot of games on Goozex, some have never been traded, so don’t expect to get a highly popular or never heard of game any time soon. The shortest wait when trading are for “full package”, and the shortest wait times for receiving are for “disk only”. You do not necessarily have to be first in line to get a game, only the first active request in line.

When you trade your game, you do not immediately get your points, you first have to ship (you pay for shipping) the game to the address of the person buying your game, and they give feedback when they receive the game. Your feedback determines how many trades and request you can have at a time. If the person leaves positive feedback, you get your points and increase your feedback score, if they leave neutral, you get the points, but lose some feedback score, and if they leave negative feedback, you do not get any points, and lose feedback.

A nice feature on Goozex is you can see the trade history of games. That helps you find out if this is a game that is active on Goozex. You are able to see how many offers there are for that game, and you are able to see how many requests there are for that game. Sometimes, I have found games with a lot of offers and little request. For example, a game might have 50 or so offers but only 5 offers, lines like that move fast. You are also able to see how many times total that game has been traded in the past; that gives you a general Idea of whether you have a chance of getting that game or not.

Overall, Goozex is a pretty nice site. I recommend using it to get slightly older games, such as dragon age: origins/2, past gen games (Ps2, Gamecube, Xbox, etc…), or not so popular titles (White Knight Chronicles).If you like RPGs you can find some sweet deals on there. If you are looking to get the hottest games or extremely rare hard to find gems, don’t hold your breath. Give it a try though, it is free to join, and they start you out with a free token, so you have nothing to lose.