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Players Rushing To Endgame Quickly Why?

We all know how eager we are to play our favorite games when they come out. The one that comes to mind is MMORPGs and how they launch in either Open beta (free to play's approach of release) or actual release (Pay to plays approach). So after you get into the game you been anxious to play for months, naturally you want to learn the game and be the best you can within the game. Well, you have the other type of gamers that have a high tendency to rush through the content so fast...and for what?

For one reason, being at max level is indeed a lonely road when your waiting for the rest of players within the game catching up. Many of time I've listen to these same max leveled people whine about how there isn't enough content and they don't have anything else to do now. The rest of the game responds to them as simply not caring and tell them they shouldn't of rushed through the content so quickly.

You have to wonder though, what types of people get through this content so fast? People with no lives? Paralyzed or unemployed people that seemingly have all the time in the world? We never know who is behind the characters we play unless we physically see them on a day to day basis.

Another thing for being maxed level is when you try to participate in player vs. player events, you are naturally going to steamroll the competition due to an astounding amount of factors. These factors include and are not limited to the others being undergeared, underleveled, and to the fact that they don't have as much knowledge of their character classes yet. So to them, PvP is now deemed to be too easy for them.

Last but not least, they often quit typically after a month or two. Why? because they have now become bored with the game and the player base is not at the level competition quite yet. You can't help but feel sorry for these type of players because they really of been a real asset to a guild or made a couple new online friends. But such is life in an MMORPG. The cycle normally goes a little something like: "Game Launches, People rush to max level, PvP and streamroll people for a few weeks, try to get endgame gear until they realize that the whole game isn't caught to them yet, Make an alt or two to still have a reason to play the game, Get bored Quit...with little possibility of coming back."

My opinion on players rushing to endgame:

I used to be a hardcore gamer, but as I've grown up my priorities have moved around a bit. The same can be said in these ever growing MMORPG communities. new players (roughly around highschool-ish) have all the time in the world to dedicate their time to the game, where as others cannot. By no means am I knocking the guys who are reaching end game in about a week or 2, but in most eyes, your burning out your enjoyment of the game before it even starts to get good.