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Beginners Guide To World Of Warcraft Professions - Are You Applying The Right Combos?

World of Warcraft Professions Guide

Professions are an aspect of the World of Warcraft game that can be a little over-whelming to start, but as with most aspects of the game once you get the general gist you'll soon be leveling your profession at warp speed.

This WoW professions guide will detail all the available professions and how they are categorized. Understanding how professions work is hugely important as certain professions will work in conjunction with one-another and offer more benefit when utilized properly.

Each profession is categorized either Gathering, Crafting or Service and each serves its own specific purpose in the game. The fllowing are the professions in their correct categories.

Gathering Professions:

Herbalism, Skinning, Mining.

Crafting Professions:

Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Tailoring.

Service Professions:


Now we know what each profession is and which category it belongs to, we can best plan our professions for maximum return on time invested. Most people will just pick some professions out of the hat and not realize until later in the game that there professions aren't suited, unfortunately by then it's to late!

I know because this happened to me!

OK, so let's take a look at some examples of professions that are well suited.

Let's say that you've chosen the Leatherworking as a profession, the next best profession to pick would be the Skinning profession as Skinners can collect the hides of animals whilst killing the mobs and then either sell them for a profit OR use them for there own purposes if they are in the leatherworking profession!

Confused? Basically skinners can collect hides and leatherworkers can turn those hides into leather items to either equip there-selves with or to sell for an even bigger profit than the raw hide!

Another example could be the Blacksmithing profession, if Blacksmithing is your primary profession then Mining is the next best profession as miners can collect ores and metals from their profession which they can then use to make weaponry and armor using their Blacksmithing skills.

Enchanting is a weird profession that doesn't solely rely on any secondary profession, although materials will need to be gathered so an enchanter can disenchant items. The most popular profession to go with Enchanting is Tailoring as the supplies for the recipes are easy to come by.

I'm sure you get the picture, to cover all the combos in this WoW professions article would mean a 5,000 word article and beyond the scope of this article but now you know the way professions work in conjunction with one-another, put in the research before committing to any given profession and work out the best combo so you can supply yourself the materials required.

This will prove to be very fruitful in the long run and will save lots of time and gold locating and purchasing the necessary materials.