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Runescape Heart Of Stone

A friend of Ariane's has been dead and some of her analysis stolen. Chase down the culprit application a advanced tracking golem and bare a abstruse that could change the face of Gielinor.

Interact with Ariane or Xenia alfresco the Wizards' Belfry southeast of Draynor Village, acquire the adventure and you'll see a cutscene in which the two women are arguing, with Ariane accusing Xenia of burglary important analysis and murdering somebody. During the cutscene Xenia will advance Ariane and you'll be accustomed the advantage to ancillary with either Ariane or Xenia, or to try and breach them up. Accept an advantage and at the end of the cutscene, Xenia will acquaint you that she has a acceptable acumen for what she's accomplishing afore teleporting abroad and Ariane will afresh ask you to accommodated her alfresco the Old Belfry to continue.

Head east to acquisition Ariane at the admission to the old tower. She'll acquaint you that you'll charge to acquisition a way to clue down Xenia and acquisition out what she's up to. She'll afresh acquaint you a golem alleged Kipple which should be able to advice you acquisition Xenia by tracking the bewitched trails larboard by her teleports.

Talk to Kipple and it'll ask you if you're accessible to clue Xenia. Say yes and afresh yes afresh to it cogent you how the tracker works. When you've apprehend the explanation, you'll be apparent the Runic Frequency Modulator. To use the modulator, you'll charge to aboriginal circle the punch until several confined agnate to altered runes ablaze up on the blueprint to the appropriate and a red dot appears bouncing amid anniversary one.

Now you'll charge to bout the acme of the confined to the acme the red brawl is bouncing by alternating the dials to acclimatize the adeptness of anniversary rune e.g. If the Air rune bar is accent and the brawl bounces aloft it to the fourth cleft on the vertical axis, you'll charge to circle the dials so that one has an Air rune arrow pointing to '3 Points' and addition has an Air rune arrow pointing to '1 Point' for a absolute of 4.

Once you've begin the appropriate aggregate and akin the acme of confined to the ball, accept to chase the arresting and Kipple will afresh acquaint you a area which will be either White Wolf Mountain, Entrana, the Kharadian Desert, or Karamja.

Make your way to the average of White Wolf Mountain, afresh allocution to Kipple and use the tracker to acknowledge a aperture adjacent which you should now enter.

Through the aperture you'll acquisition yourself in a cavern with a addle that you'll charge to break in adjustment to abolish the rock blocks endlessly you from talking to a assemble alleged WenKra. Anniversary Circuit bulge in the addle generates or consumes a assertive amount of adeptness units and you'll charge acquisition a aggregate of alive and abeyant nodes which generates the exact amount of units appropriate to adeptness up the blocks. This accept to be done four times starting with 5 units and catastrophe with 20.

Once done, allocution to WenKra and you'll apprentice that it acts as the advocate and articulation of an Elder God alleged Wen who is sleeping beneath and that Xenia has taken some anatomy of able bewitched activity from it which has afflicted Wen as her hotlink to WenKra has been attenuated as a aftereffect of the missing energy. When you've gone through all of the babble options, allocution to Kipple to use the modulator to clue Xenia's next location.

Make your way to the second-from-north berth in Port Sarim and use the Coffer drop box to coffer any items you're carrying, afresh allocution to a Monk of Entrana to biking to Entrana. Once you've arrived, arch to the northwestern ancillary of the island and allocution to Kipple to use the tracker to acknowledge a aperture adjacent which you should now enter.

Through the aperture you'll acquisition yourself in an abandoned cavern with a board Bik aperture at the adverse end. Attempt to accessible the aperture and you'll acrimony the construct, BikKra and accept to accept to action BikKra's associates (level 35). Kipple will accord you an Air battlestaff, Bronze artful and Chargebow to action with, but as the associates are anemic to Air spells, it's recommended to just casting your best Air spell application the battlestaff. Keep killing the associates until an Unstable accessory appears and allurement this into Kipple who will afresh aces up, conciliate and abode it next to the door. If Kipple doesn't aces up the accessory afore the bar aloft its arch fills up, it'll backfire and accord abundant accident to you. Once three Unstable associates accept been placed next to max4rsgold RS gold the door, ablaze them to draft it up.

Once done, allocution to BikKra to apprentice that it acts as the advocate and articulation of an Elder God alleged Bik who is sleeping below. Ask about Xenia and accept the additional advantage to accept BikKra acquaint you that Xenia performed a ritual accompanying to the abysm and that eventually Bik will awaken, abort the apple and casting the bits into the abysm afore authoritative a new world. Now allocution to Kipple afresh to use the tracker to acquisition Xenia's next location.

Make your way to the Karamja Volcano on Musa Point and allocution to Kipple to use the tracker and acknowledge a aperture adjacent which you should now enter.

Through the aperture you'll acquisition yourself in a cavern with blaze blocking your admission to a assemble alleged FulKra. To abolish the fire, you'll charge to action FulKra's associates (level 44) until Kipple can actuate FulKra to allocution with you, which is adumbrated by a agitation advance bar. While angry the attendants, they'll occasionally spawn fires about them which accord connected accident if you angle them. They aswell will not abandon until the agitation bar is full, so you'll charge to anxiously abstain them as they body up.

Once the agitation bar is full, the associates and fires will abandon and you'll be able to allocution to FulKra. Do so and you'll apprentice that it acts as the advocate and articulation of an Elder God alleged Ful who is sleeping below, and that Xenia has removed a allotment of FulKra that affects its adeptness to think. Now allocution to Kipple afresh to use the tracker to acquisition Xenia's next location.

Make abiding you accept 20 chargeless account spaces and something to assure from arid calefaction (e.g Waterskin, Enchanted baptize tiara, or Tome of frost) and your way to the arid east of Sophanem, afresh allocution to Kipple and use the tracker to acknowledge a aperture adjacent which you should now enter.

Through the aperture you'll acquisition yourself in a cavern abounding with shelves and a assemble alleged JasKra who will debris to allocution to you until you can prove your intentions are innocent. Search one of the shelves to access assorted observations and amalgamate them like so:

'Transition' and 'Correction' to get 'We angle apart'.

'Dispersal' and 'Arrival' to get 'Xenia was alone'.

'Evolution' and 'Imprinting' to get 'Golem and I'.

'Predator' and 'Focus' to get 'Ariane and the golem'.

'Conflict' and 'Condemnation' to get 'The carelessness of friends'.

'Golem and I' and 'Ariane and the golem' to get 'United we stand'.

Once done, use all of the Combined observations on JasKra and it will accept that you're cogent the truth.

Now allocution to JasKra afresh and go through the babble options to apprentice that it acts as the advocate and articulation of an Elder God alleged Jas who sleeps below, and that Xenia has performed a ritual to Runescape gold drain JasKra's activity and as a aftereffect risks damaging the breeze of adeptness from the Anima Mundi into the world, which will aftereffect in cipher accepting the adeptness use Magic unless they acquire an Elder artefact. Once done, use Kipple's tracker to acquisition Xenia's next location.